Part 15: I Love You

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POV: Katie

"I don't have anything to say to him," I told my little sister.

"She doesn't want to, Travis..." Rosy said sadder than I could've possibly imagined.

Travis looked at me and we made eye contact, "I know," he said.

I realized how sad Rosy would be if I didn't at least try to talk to Travis. Because of this, I motioned first Travis to take Rosy back to my cabin. He seemed to understand.

"Rosy, let's get you to Miranda, ok?"

Rosy wiped a tear off her cheek. She was crying. Then she nodded and Travis carried her off.


I heard a knock on my infirmary door, "Come in."

The door creaked open and Travis awkwardly shuffled in.

"Hey," he said shyly.

"Hi," I replied. "Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Umm...." he hesitated, "No. Not really," he looked at his shoes.

"Sit down," I motioned for the chair next to my bed, "Travis, I need to talk to you..."

Travis looked at me. I could see the tears forming in his eyes as he sat down.

"I'm sorry," the two of us said at the same time.

"Wait, why are you sorry," Travis questioned me.

"I freaked out," I couldn't meet his gaze, "I was scared..."

"Of how I could hurt you...?" He asked sadly. I nodded.

"But Travi-" he stopped me in classic Travis Stoll fashion, with a kiss.

I couldn't help but kiss him back. As scared as I was, I think I do love this boy.

After a minute or so, Travis pulled away, "I would never hurt you."

I heard another set of footsteps in the room. Travis must have heard them too because he pulled out his sword.

"Who's there?" He questioned the darkness.

"Katie," a voice answered, "you're harder to get rid of than I thought."

"Luke.." I whimpered. Travis stepped in front of me to protect me.

Travis flicked on a flashlight. The beam hit Luke's face. A cold, cruel sneeze plastered his face.

"Travis, brother, move. I don't want to hurt you. You're nothing compared to your girlfriend here. She's much more powerful than you," Luke stated. I saw hurt move across Travis' face. I grabbed one of his hands.

"Trav..." I said quietly.

"No!" He screamed, "I'm not letting you get hurt again!"

Travis was suddenly thrown across the room. Somehow, my boyfriend stayed conscious. Travis tried to attack, but something was holding him back.

"Katie!" Travis yelled as Luke brought a dagger to my stomach again.

I screamed in pain. I looked over to Travis. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. I held a hand out to him. He reached for me.

Luke leaned down to whisper to me, "Now, he will watch you die."

And with that, Luke was gone and Travis rushes forward.

"No," he cried. "No.. I can't lose you..."

"Travis..." I winced. He squeezed my hand, "I lov....." I didn't get to finish because everything wen black.

How did you guys like that one?

-Katie Taylor, Author

(Word Count:494)

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