Part 22: Surpise!

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We finally reached Bunker 9. I was nervous. I had never been to a Stoll party. They were wild and sometimes out of control. I wasn't one to be caught going to a party like this.

Travis must have noticed I was on edge, "Katie-bug? You ok?" That nickname was new.

"Yeah..." I took a deep breath, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"If you're uncomfortable, we can go," Travis told me. He sounded disappointed.

"No, lets go in," I gave him a small smile to reassure him.

Travis grinned and led me inside.

Streamers were hung everywhere and music was playing. The music was not modern music.

"Hey, how about I teach you how to swing dance," Travis offered.

"You know how?" I asked. He nodded, with a grin on his face.

Travis took my hand and and started by simply teaching me steps. Then, he showed me other moves.

Pretty soon, I was spinning around. Travis was lifting me and spinning me. I was having the time of my life.

That's when I noticed a happy birthday sign. I stopped. It had my name on it.

"Travis?" I asked him.

"What's up?" He said, happily.

"What's that for?" I pointed to the sign, "it's not my birthday."

"Katie, you slept through your birthday. So Miranda and I..." he paused, "we planned a party for you."

"Travis," I grinned, "thank you!" I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

Travis held me tightly and spun around.

"I didn't really know who to invite..." Travis stayed sadly.

"Because I don't have many friends..." I finished.

Travis stayed quiet.

"Who did you invite?" I asked.

"Everyone here."

"I don't really know anyone..." I said sadly.

"I know..." Travis replied, "but they all know you. Because you have helped them in some way or another."

——-time skip because I'm lazy——-

The party was still going. It was about 9:00 when Travis hushed everyone.

"Hey everyone," he sounded nervous, "ummm..." he was definitely nervous.

He looked at me. I gave him a smile.

"Thanks for coming! Now if you all would join me," Travis came over and took my hand and led me up to the makeshift stage he was previously standing on, "in singing Happy Birthday to the most amazing girl I know!" Travis smiles at me. Then started singing.

My cheeks flushed and I buried my head into his arm.

The song finished.

"Miranda, would you please bring me the giant cookie for Katie-Kat?"

Suddenly, Miranda burst in carrying the largest cookie I have ever seen.

"And for everyone else," Travis announced, "there is ice cream!"

Travis sat me down next to him on the edge of the stage.

"So," Travis sounded nervous again, "did you like it?"

"I did!" I answered simply and excitedly.

"Hey!" He remembered something, " I have something to show you!"

So, I finally updated. Sorry about that.

-Katie Taylor , author

(Word Count:476)

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