Part 14: That Was Stupid

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POV: Travis

"It's not your fault," Katie smiled.

"How is it not my fault?!" I yelled. Her smile faded, "I upset you which caused you to run off! How is this not my fault?" I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Trav-" she said softly before I slammed my lips to hers.

I finally pulled myself away from her, "I'm sorry..."

"Travis..." she said quieter and softer than before, "It doesn't matter what happened. If I had stayed, Luke would have stabbed both of us."

"Wait, Luke stabbed you?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"My brother, Luke?"

She nodded again.

More tears stung my eyes.

"Travis, I don't know how you feel, but I wish I did so I could help you..." she tried to empathize with me, but what she said actually made me feel better.

"No, I don't want you to know how I feel. You don't deserve that kind of pain," I said into her shoulder. I didn't even realize I was laying next to her. Her arms were around me as she tried to comfort me, "I've done things Katie, that I'm not proud of...I'm trying to protect you from the things I've done..."

Her smile dropped, "Travis, what have you done...?"

I couldn't look at her. I couldn't bring myself to hurt her. So I just stayed quiet. I couldn't end this relationship. We'd been dating for about a month now and it was the greatest thing of my life.

"What have you heard..?" I asked quietly.

"You've played some girls... that's about it..." she seemed sad. I hate that. I don't want to be the cause of her sadness... yet here I am. I've messed everything up, again.

"That part is true... There's more though..." I said sadly. I sat up and moved to a chair next to her bed. I tried to grab her hand, but she pulled it away from me.

"Like what?" Her beautiful green eyes stared at me.

"One girl I dated," here we go again, "I um...I..." I couldn't get the words out.

"You what?" Katie urged.

"I cheated on her..." I looked at the floor as I practically whispered it.

I took one glance at my beautiful girlfriend. She won't want to be my girlfriend now. Katie will be scared of what I could do, of how I might hurt her.

I couldn't hurt her, so I added more, "but that was a long time ago!" That was stupid.

"Go," Katie ordered.

"Katie, please...I'm not like that!" I protested.

"Then what are you like? Because every girl you've dated, that I've talked to, said that I was stupid for dating you!" I saw the tears in her eyes. What have I done..?

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