Chapter 6: crib or bed?

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Rose p.o.v

Before we could go shopping I needed some clean clothes on. Daddy carried me to the room I slept in and put me down on the bed. He told me that the maid, Stella, had brought some of her clothes that I could wear because all of Daddy's clothes were too big for me. 

After I was done with changing in the clean clothes he made two pigtails in my hair. I really felt happy. It was a long time ago that someone did my hair, or took care of me as Derek did. I think this was the happiest I have been in my entire life.

Once I sat in my car seat at the back of the car I thought of our talk this morning. I had my doubts about the whole situation. But then again I felt safe with this man, how strange it maybe sounds. I didn't know a thing about the ddlg/clg lifestyle but it sounded really nice and just what I wanted. Especially because I haven't been looking after for a long time. 

From a young age, I had to grow up. I had to learn to clean and cook at the age of eight and I never really could live as a normal child could. This offer from Derek gave me a chance to live like a child again. To gain some time I missed from my own childhood. Also when I slipped into my headspace I forgot everything about my haunting past. And this time I didn't need to be careful anymore. 

I remembered how I would sit in my room at my old home playing with my only stuffie, Belle, that I was always careful that my father wouldn't walk in and caught me in the act. I was always so afraid he would see me like that and that wasn't the only reason I was afraid of my own father. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Daddy ask me something, "Baby girl, are you okay?" I looked through the mirror, looking in his warm brown eyes, and said, "I'm fine Daddy! I am so excited to go shopping!" Daddy chuckled. 

"Oke, oke, baby girl, but remember inside voices," he said while looking back in my eyes when he had to stop for traffic lights. 

"Sorry, Daddy," I said while looking down in my lap again. Maybe I was a bit too much. 

"It's okay sweetheart, I understand why you are so excited there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm really happy you look forward to our little trip." Daddy said with a smile to make me feel better and it did. I smiled back and looked outside the window up to the sky. A swarm of birds flew by. It looked very pretty. 


The car came to a halt in a parking garage. I looked around a bit confused. I thought Daddy said we were going to shop, so why are we at a parking garage. There are no shops here. Well, I trusted Daddy and would see it for myself where we were. Daddy walked around the car to get to me and opened the door. 

"Well, look who we have here, a beautiful princess," Daddy said and I giggled. He was so funny and silly. He unbuckled me and helped me out of the car. 

"Now, remember the rules, baby girl." 

"Always hold Daddy's hand outside of the house?" I asked because I didn't know for sure if he only wanted to hear that rule or more. 

"Yes indeed, so hold on tight, oke?" 

I nodded my head but I saw soon the 'words, little girl, I need words' look on Daddy's face. "Yes, Daddy." 

"Good girl, now follow me." I hold Daddy's hand tight and followed him through the garage to the stairs. We walked them up and then went through a door. When we stepped through it I saw all kinds of shops around me and within a second it clicked for me where we were. 

I tucked at Daddy's hand and looked with fear in my eyes. "Daddy, this is a mall," I whispered. Tears started to form in my eyes. Daddy tried to calm me down and lowered his body to meet my eye. 

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