Chapter 48: relaxed

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Derek p.o.v

I looked at the beautiful girl in front of me, who was fidgeting around with her fingers and moving around her feet. I knew she had something on her mind, but something in me said that Rose didn't know how to phrase what she was thinking about, what she was feeling. 

"I-uh... I-I was just, just thinking about us..."

"Yes?" I urged Rose on. 

"And, I-I just wanted to know... where we stand," The last part she rushed out. 

It was a fair question, a question that was easy for me to answer but I left it to Rose to think about because I didn't want her to feel pushed toward something she wasn't comfortable with. I wanted Rose to come upon her own with what I was to her and what she wanted to be for me, whether that be my platonic Little, or girlfriend, Little and girlfriend. 

"Well," I started, "How do you feel about me when you are thinking of me?" 

Rose looked out of the window, collecting her thoughts. "The first thing you remind me of is peace and comfort. The second thing is you are reminding me of someone who likes to look after me, I think." 

I nodded my head. "So does that mean you want us to work on being in a Daddy and Little relationship?"

The girl nodded her head, hesitantly but still there was some kind of confirmation to me she wanted me to fulfill that role again. It gave me a warm feeling in my chest, as I could see how more certain her body got with her answer. 



Rose looked down and started to fidget with her fingers again. I gently grabbed her chin so we would lock eyes. "What is it, Rose? I won't judge, I won't get mad. Promise." 

She sighed. "Max told me more about romantic relationships between him and Nathan and he... he asked me if-if I was interested in that as well." 

I was slightly shocked to hear these words coming from Rose. She was always this very innocent person to me who I even protected from anything dirty-minded like you would do with a child. It was now that I saw a woman standing in front of me instead of a girl just becoming of age. 

"Okay, and what are your thoughts about that?" 

Rose crossed the room, sitting down on her bed. "I don't know, it's all so new to me and all." I made my way to her, placing myself next to Rose on the bed, and held her hand. "Rose, nobody is forcing you to make any decisions right now. You should let these thoughts sit in your mind and give it some time. All right?" 


I held up my hand. I had a feeling she didn't really know what I meant. "Just, let's see how this trip goes. If you want to experiment in any kind of way you can, I won't hold that against you. So if you want to hold hands, go on a date, or maybe kiss even, try it out. I don't mind." 

Rose remained silent. I gently took her hands in mine and stroked them, trying to calm her down, knowing that inside that pretty head loads and loads of thoughts were swarming around. 

"What about you?" She suddenly asked. 

"What about me?" 

"I-I mean... what do you think of me?" Her cheeks slightly turned red. 

I chuckled. "I don't think to fully display my feelings towards you is fair, but I will say I care deeply about you Rose and I want you to find out how you feel about me." 

Rose only nodded and left the conversation like that. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while when I heard Nathan downstairs slightly shouting at Max, which wasn't good. I wanted everybody to be relaxed before we would leave our home for our vacation. 

"I think that's my cue to go downstairs." I could hear Rose giggle as she slowly followed me to the kitchen as well. 

When we walked in both men stood in front of each other, in each other's faces, screaming about pointless things. I think this was just some bottled-up frustration that was coming out, nevertheless, it was a useless fight that I wanted to stop at all costs. 

"Nathan you are too much! This is supposed to be relaxing! If I want to be around people that constantly order me around and snap at me, I so as well can go back to my parent's house!" Max yelled. 

"Don't speak to me like that boy!" Nathan screamed right back. 

"See, you are just like my father!" 

I knew it was inappropriate to think of it, but I couldn't help it as I thought, well he is your daddy. Before it would escalate further, I lowered my voice but put my volume up to be heard. 

"All right, that's enough!" 

Both heads snapped right at me. I could see how Nathan and Max wanted to defend themselves, only I didn't let them. 

"I don't care who is in the wrong. I know Nathan is to much of a neat freak about this whole ordeal, but I also know Max you can procrastinate instead of doing your given tasks. So, I want you both to make it up real fast because you aren't the only people going on this trip and I want everyone to be relaxed so any further fights while we are there can be prevented. Capisce?" 

Both men were too stunned to speak and stayed quiet after my little scolding. 

"All right, now that is sorted out. Rose and I will get some ice cream and watch a movie. If you care to join please do so. But, only if you both have made up." I didn't give them any space for an argument and turned around, signaling Rose to get some ice cream. She looked happy. 

Ten minutes later we had made ourselves comfortable on the couch as Max slowly made his way into the living room. I patted the spot next to me as an invitation to snuggle up with us. He did so and the three of us were quietly watching Alladin together. 

Some time later Nathan had joined us too and by the time the movie was over Max and Nathan had snuggled up on the couch, Max being in his Daddy's arms. I was happy we could leave this night before tomorrow on a positive note. 

I wondered where this trip would leave us all be. 

A/N: I hoped you liked the chapter 

Thanks for reading and have a nice day or night!

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