Chapter 43: Not her Daddy

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Rose p.o.v

"But Nathan," I whined again. 

"Rose, I don't like to repeat myself. The answer is no and it will stay no. Now go make your way to Derek to say goodbye. It's close to your bedtime and you little ducks need your sleep." Nathan chided as he was in front of me, towering above me. 

I pouted. I wanted to stay, I didn't want to leave. I had so much fun today, I was so at peace. 

"Please Nathan," I said lowly. 

Nathan only sighed, he wrapped his arm around me and slowly started to guide me, or rather drag me with him to the foyer where both Max and Derek were waiting for us. 

I carefully pushed Nathan's arm off me when Derek was in sight and made my way into Derek's arms. I held onto him as long as I could, not wanting to leave his comfort. Unfortunately, he let go of me to say goodbye. 

"Don't be sad Rose. We will see each other soon," He slightly pinched my cheek and winked at me, in a way to cheer me up. But nothing would cheer me up. When we were back at the house, I would feel lonely again and the dark thoughts and feelings would bubble up again. 

I didn't say anything after that and made my way into the car. When Nathan had made himself comfortable in the driver seat he looked through the rear-view mirror, "We will be back soon, Rose. I promise." 

The drive didn't take long as we were in a couple of minutes of driving back to the house. When we entered the empty house Nathan instructed me to go upstairs and get myself ready for bed while he got Max ready for bed. 

A wave of jealousy went through me. I wanted to have someone help me too, but not Nathan. Immediately, an image of Derek popped up in my head. How badly I wanted to stay at his place. 

I had tucked myself in already when Nathan came up to check on me. "Oh, you are already in bed. Sorry if I took too long," He apologized. 

"It's fine, Nathan." 

He sighed and found a place to sit on my bed. "I know you want to stay with Derek and I am happy things are going well between you two, but..." He changed his position, finding his words I guessed. "But, you have to remember that things didn't go well before the accident happened." 

I wanted to intervene, Nathan stopped me, however, holding up his hand. "I know he wasn't the only one at fault and maybe he showed and is showing how sorry he is, but you have to remember that difficult period. I am not saying this to stop you, I am saying this to help you." 

I knew he was right, but I just terribly missed him. The feeling was so strong that I wanted to forget everything and move on.

"Your happiness is important to me, Rose. That's why I am protecting you because let's be honest, you have a hard time reading emotions, whether that be others or your own."

He gave me a kiss on my forehead and whispered, "Be patient Rose. Good night." 

When he left, I felt sad. I had slightly hoped he would cheer me and Derek more on. Ugh, why had everything to be so difficult?

With that question, I fell asleep.  

Nathan p.o.v

My boy was nicely snuggled up in my arms and I was close to fall into a deep slumber of sleep, but then, all of a sudden, I heard cries and screams from far away. Firstly, I wanted to ignore them. I thought they weren't real, that my mind was making up things because I was tired. 

Then, they got louder and more desperate. My eyes shot open when I recognized them, it were Rose's cries and screams. 

Immediately, I pushed the cover off of me and made my way as quickly as possible to Rose's room. I faintly heard Max asking if there was something wrong, but I had no time to answer his question. 

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