Chapter 10: make-over gone wrong

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Rose p.o.v

Tongue sticking out. A firm grip. Eyes squinted. I was colouring and I tried to keep the paint between the lines. I had coloured for quite some time now. Daddy had a call to make and Jack was watching me in the meanwhile. Daddy thought I was too little to be alone. I thought differently but daddy was the boss apparently, so I had to comply.

I still had a difficulty with making friends with him. I did not know why thought. He was now sleeping on the couch. Daddy said I had to be nice to him as he was a bit sad and tired. I did not like that Jack was sad. I wanted to cheer him up because being sad is no fun.

Then an idea popped op in my head.

I picked up all my colouring materials and moved on the couch, next to Jack. I had to be careful though. The key was to not wake him, while I prepared his surprise. Silently I went to work.

When I was almost done with making Jack pretty, he woke up.

"What are you doing?" He asked quite stern.

"M-Making you pretty." I said in a low voice. Giving him a sly smile.

"What!" He roared. He stood up to find the nearest mirror. When he stood in front of it, I thought he would like it and thank me, but he did not. His face looked angry, like my father's. I cringed and made myself smaller on the couch.

"Rose, what have you done?! You can not do this!" He yelled at me. Tears started to form in my eyes. "I-I only wanted to m-make you h-happy." I cried softly.

"Do I look happy?! I have an important appointment today and this shit is permanent!" He again yelled at me. I did not like this. I put my hands against my ears. He had said a no-no word.

"Come here, Rose. You need to have a serious talk with your daddy." I shook my head. "Come here, Rose." He growled out.

When I again shook my head, he stalked over to me. I was afraid, afraid he would hurt me. I quickly moved from my spot and run away. "Don't you dare and run away!" Jack raised his voice again.

I found a spot behind a different couch which would protect me from the meanie, Jack. I slipped behind the piece of furniture, backing up as far as I could. Now, no one could come near me. Jack stood in front of me, but far away because he could not slip behind the couch. He had put his hands on his hip as he was waiting for me.

"Do you want me to get your daddy? You know by then you are in even bigger trouble." Jack threatened me. I shook my head, not wanting to get in any trouble.

"Then be a good girl and follow me." Jack said, now calm. But I also did not want to be close to him. Still too afraid of him hurting me. He was just like father. I did not trust him.

When I did not move, he walked away. I stayed where I was. Then I heard multiple footsteps nearing my hiding place. I looked intently from my step, waiting for them to appear in my vision.

It was daddy and Jack.

"Hey there Rose. Can you come out for daddy?" He asked softly. I nodded my head. Daddy was nice, sweet, and safe. I crawled from my hiding spot and wanted to hug daddy, but he stopped me. I looked at him confused.

"I know you want a hug baby girl, but I will have to save that one for later. First tell me what happened."

"I already told you what happened!" Jack said impatiently. Daddy gave him a look and then turned towards me. Urging me to tell my side of the story.

"Y-You said Jack was s-sad and... and I-I wanted to make him h-happy. So, I-I made him p-pretty." I explained between my sobs.

"I understand you tried to do something nice for Jack and I really appreciate that you want to look out for others. But using your colouring materials on something else than paper is not right. Also, Jack asked you to come with him to talk to me and you refused, why?" I wanted to tell daddy; he did not look angry. Only Jack still did. I was too scared.

I tried to burry my face in daddy's chest, but he did not let me. "Rose, answer the question." Daddy said now stern.

I slipped now even further. "Meanie angry... like f-father. I scared he h-hurt me." I was now full-on crying. I heard daddy sigh and he embraced me in a hug.

When I was a bit cried out, he pushed me back, so he was facing me. "I see why you did what you did, but do you understand you made mistakes as well. You broke the rule I made earlier." I nodded my head and said a quiet 'yes daddy'.

"Good. Now I want you to go over to that corner and stay there until I get you, understand?" I looked him with big, shocked puppy eyes. I was not naughty; Jack was the meanie.

Daddy held his stare and I caved in. "Yes daddy." I whispered. Slowly I made my way over to the naughty corner. "Make sure your nose touches the wall." Daddy said when he left the room with Jack.

Derek p.o.v

Jack and I remained quiet until we entered my office. I could see he was still truly angry. The worst part was to keep a straight face because even though he tried to wipe of most of the stuff on his face, a lot was still there.

"I understand you're on edge because of your mother and I acknowledge that Rose made a mistake and broke a rule. But next time try and keep your cool around her. She is not like the other girls. Her headspace works differently from the others and the angrier you get the more difficult it becomes for Rose to understand things from your perspective." I tried to explain to Jack.

He sighed and run a hand through his hair. "Yes, I know, I know. I know better than to react the way I did, but I really do not have the patience, especially today. I promise I will make it up to Rose when everything calm downs a bit. I just hope this treatment will work for my mother..." Jack said while spacing out at the end.

"Why don't you take the day off. Go to your mother and come back when you feel better. Meaning if you need more than just today that's fine by me." I offered. I knew it could be incredibly stressful if you had to keep juggling everything around you.

When my company was just lifted from the ground, I had to think about paying my father's medication, most of my parent's bills, my own bills and keep the company going. It could be hard to keep up and when things get too much you start to snap at the ones who are closest to you.

Jack's eyes lit up with my suggestion. "Really sir?"

"Really and don't worry about not getting paid. I will pay every hour like I normally would." He smiled and thanked me before he left the room.

Now I had to leave my office as well as I needed to comfort a little girl who was waiting for me downstairs. I entered the living room and found Rose where I left her. Her tiny body was shacking.

"Princess, can you come to me please?" I held my hand out as I sat on an armchair. First, she peeked from her shoulder and when she knew she had permission to come she dashed towards me. I placed her on my lap and like a kitten she curled up, melting in my embrace.

"Do you know why daddy had to put you in time out?" I asked. Every time I asked my littles and subs if they understand why I had punished them. That way they could learn from their mistakes.

Rosed nodded, but I knew she knew better. I really tried to stop this bad habit of her of nodding. I need to hear her voice to let me know how she felt. Nodding did not let me show nor hear how she felt. You can easily put a mask up, but people's voices would most of the time give them away from what they truly felt.


"I understand d-daddy. I go to you instead of hiding." Rose said softly. I was glad she understood. I was afraid she would have been too small to understand what was going on.

"Good girl." I planted a kiss on her head. I noticed she got sleepy and that was a signal it was near her nap time. I had put her on my hip and searched for her paci and Aurora. One was near her colouring books and the other was in her crib. I changed her in comfortable clothes and walked to my bedroom. "Let's have a nap together little one."

I laid down with her in my arms and before I knew it, she was soundly asleep. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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