Bonus Chapter 1

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Rose p.o.v

I was wary of the very thing Max held in his hand. He held it proudly up to us, Anna and me, but we didn't exactly mirrored his reaction. Anna shrieked and eventually ran away when Max held it closer to us. I, on the other hand, was too curious to walk away but too scared to come closer either. 

"What is it?" I softly asked. 

"This, this is what you call a jellyfish, but without its tentacles. Quite sad actually. I think it's dead." 

"Aren't jellyfish dangerous?" I bit my lip as I took another step backward. 

"Well they can hurt you, yes, but like I said this one doesn't have tentacles and they are the ones who hurt you."

I made an oh sound and just stood there, mesmerized and horrified by the incomplete animal in Max's hand. 

"Maybe you should place it back so it can rest in peace?" 

Max shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know if it works that way and besides I am so gonna show this to Daddy!" And with that, he ran off with the pudding looked like animal in his hand. 

I wiggled my toes, liking the sensation the sand between toes gave me. I was still too scared to go into the sea alone. I had my floaties on, it just didn't have enough confidence, yet. 

I went searching for my Daddy as well. He was probably sleeping somewhere or playing basketball with Uncle Nathan. Once I passed Auntie Ellis, who was reading a book while cuddling with Anna, I asked her where Derek was. 

"Oh I think I just saw him going up." I nodded my head and took off. 

The house we were staying in was just as luxurious as Daddy's home. It had multiple bedrooms with joined bathrooms. We were staying in the masters which was the biggest bedroom in the house. 

Max was jealous and threw a bit of a fit when we arrived. It took Uncle Nathan a long time to calm him down. Maybe it was also because we had just travelled for a whole day and Max was tired. Anna wasn't even awake to complain about her living arrangement for the trip as she was dead asleep. 

When I entered our room I saw Daddy getting dressed, it looked like he just came out of the shower. Meaning he did some kind of workout this morning. 

"Hey, there little one. I was just about to go find you." 

"You did?" I asked confused. 

"Yes, because for a certain someone it is nap time." 

I whined when I heard the last word rolling off his lips. "But it's so beautiful outside." 

"I know and it still will be once you're done with your nap. So let's wash you real quick." 

I wasn't ready for that. I had too much energy in me, so I made use of that and ran away from Daddy. "Oh no, you don't young lady." I heard coming from behind me. 

Giggles were heard throughout the halls of our small vacation house. I even heard Max shouting at me to run even faster as Daddy was catching up with me. 

I ran, I made a turn, and ran further. Only I was so set on getting away from Daddy that I hadn't seen the small puddle of water in the kitchen. The smooth tiles in combination with the water made me slide forward. I tried to get grip over my movements but lost the war and fell backward on my butt. 

A loud thud was heard in the kitchen along with a shriek. 

Just as Derek was to claim victory a gasp escaped from his mouth as he rushed forwards to console me. "Oh dear, Rose, are you alright?" 

I just nodded my head. 

"Are you sure?"

Then I shook my head.

Pain shoot through me the moment I fell and now I felt a dull ache that became worse with the second. Tears had settled in my eyes. 

"Oh, sweetheart." Daddy picked me up and rubbed my back. I silently cried in the crook of his neck. 

"You know, I think that fall alone was punishment enough for running away. Are you now ready to take a nap?" 

A small hum came from me and Daddy took me to the bathroom. He gave me a quick wash-over, inspected my bum for injuries and when everything looked well, except for a small bruise forming, he took me to the big bed and dressed me in an oversized shirt to sleep in. 

"Daddy stay?" 

"Of course, little one. Daddy will stay."

He gave me my pacifier and tucked me in. Shortly after that, he settled next to me, inviting me to sleep in his arms. Once I made myself comfortable I drifted off quickly. Enjoying the safety of my Daddy. 

A/N: Just a small cute chapter. Once I have inspiration for more, I will do more chapters about their trip to Derek's private island. I can't promise when I will though. 

Thanks for reading and have a nice day or night. 

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