14th part

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Hoseok had never expected it to go this bad. He knew the two other boys weren't the closest, but Jaebum was his best friend and Namjoon was his precious younger brother, all he wanted was for the two that he cared so much about, to get along. Unfortunately his plan to try to get the two to know each other better, and maybe even become friends, didn't go well. At all. It had ended with Namjoon racing of the room while trying to hold back the tears that were obviously blooming in the corner of his eyes. Jaebum had ended up walking over to Seokjin and asked him if he could call his parents to come pick him up. He had left without uttering another word to Hoseok who was desperately trying to sort things out.

Hoseok didn't know where it went wrong.

"Daddy!" Hoseok exclaimed happily when he saw his father come in through the door. He skipped over as fast as his short legs let him and hugged his father tightly around the hip. "Daddy! Can Jaebum visit me today?" He asked the man instantly while the adult was busy collecting the boys' stuff. "Yes, I am sure he can come over later if his parents allow it." He answered his son, while putting Namjoon's Ryan lunchbox into his backpack. Hoseok frowned a bit at the answer. "But I didn't mean it like that." He said, making his father cock his head as if to say 'keep going.' "I mean, can he come over right away? Like can sit in the car with us now!?"

Seokjin, could clearly see that this was a matter that a Hoseok cared about a great deal. Neither of the boys had had a lot of friends over, usually they would find enough company in each other. Of course he was happy that the boys had friends outside of their home, and to see his second oldest this enthusiastic was always a joy. Still, this decision wasn't only his to make. "Hmm, I don't know bud. Has he asked his parents?" Hoseok shook his head. "No they haven't come to pick him up yet." He told, almost matter of factly, making Seokjin coo internally at his sweet son. "Well I can't let him come home with us without notifying his parents. Then they would be worried." "But...." The child started, but Seokjin halted him. "Look, I will go get your brothers from the younger section. If they haven't gotten here by the time I have finished, we will leave and he can visit later. If they do come then he can come with us if his parents allow it." He looked at his son's eyes sparkling with awe and reached out a pinky to him. "Deal?"

Deal!" Hoseok exclaimed happily and hooked his own pinky in with his father's. "Alright, I will be back soon then." After he said that, Seokjin put the packed backpacks back into the cubbies, ready to collect when he came back to get them.

It was impressively easy to get the youngest boys settled. Usually they would all be too busy sharing stories of their day or pick up the toys they had used to dress quickly . It was normal for the process of picking them up would take quite long. Unfortunately they all still refused to speak to each other. The resentment the two twins had towards each other almost seemed to have grown stronger through the day in day care.

Seokjin sighed as he once again stood outside the door to the older section. Taehyung holding his left hand, Jungkook his right one and Jimin tracing slowly in front of him. Towards the entrance to the older section.

Once again, Seokjin was met by a smiling Hoseok when he entered through the doors. "Daddy, they are here! They said yes." He told, literally bouncing of happiness where he stood. "Alright Seok-ah calm down, I'll have to talk to them myself too, you know?" The boy stopped bouncing, but his smile was still bright as the day.

Jaebum's parents had agreed and Seokjin had exchanged phone numbers with the child's mother. He also had to make a call to Yoongi's school to tell them that he would pick him up a bit later than usual and asked if there were any teachers that could watch him while he waited. He felt bad for letting his child stay longer on the second day, but he knew he would be safe in the teacher's hands for a short time. He sighed as he looked into the rear mirror, seeing the children in the back. Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting next to each other in the very back of the car, both staring out of the window next to them and refusing to get eye contact. Jaebum, Hoseok and Namjoon were seated in the middle row of the car, Hoseok and Jaebum talking happily amongst themselves about what they would do once they got out of the car, meanwhile Namjoon was sitting in the car seat next to Hoseok's, jaw jutted and fists clenched like they usually were when he was thinking hard about something. Wonder what is on his genius little mind this time, Seokjin thought to himself, giving Jimin who was seated in the passenger seat a glance. The boy was clearly excited about getting to sit in the front seat, even if he still needed his car seat.

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