7th part

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The three toddlers were late, but nobody said anything. It was fine to come late in the younger section of the day care center. The teachers were used to it. Some days children would have to be forced inside, throwing tantrums because they didn't want to be there. But they had to, their parents had to go to work so they didn't have a choice.

"Jimi yung?" Taehyung asked his older brother when they came inside. "Yes Tae? What issh it?" Jimin answered him, while placing his own and his younger brothers' backpacks in the cubbies with their names on them. "Why didn' daddy follow ussh in?" He asked looking around to try to spot their father. Jimin smiled and ruffled the younger's hair "Tha's because we were late, and he had to go to wovk." Taehyung pouted at his brother's answer. "But I wanned say bye." He mumbled, as Jimin opened the door that lead them to the room where the rest of the children were playing. "You said bye, you gave him goodbye kiss." Jimin replied and the oldest of the twins' eyes lit up. "Yes, you wight. I shaid bye." Taehyung smiled and ran off together with Jungkook to go play with cars.

Jimin chuckled watching his two younger brothers fight over the a red car, which happened to be both Taehyung and Jungkook's favorite. He loved taking care of them, and feeling like their older brother. He loved his older brothers too of course, but there was just something special to have someone look up to you, rather than looking up to someone. One of Jimin's biggest wishes was that he could protect all off his family, both his younger and his older brothers. He wanted to be like anpanman, a superhero who they knew they could rely on. For now he had never done big things like saving someone from a burning building, or saving a baby from drowning. Jimin did hope that the everyday things he did, like telling Taehyung that the kiss they gave their father was a way of saying goodbye, could lead to bigger things in the future.

"Jimin hyung, play cars with us!" Jungkook yelled and held the red car in the air. Declaring that he once again had beaten his older twin to the toy. Jimin looked over at Taehyung, seeing the younger pout as he picked up another car and walked over to him with it. "Jimi yung. I don' wanna pway car wif Jungkook, But I wanna pway wif you." He smiled handing the yellow car to Jimin and clinging to his arm to steer him to the opposite side of the room, away from Jungkook. Jimin happily followed his brother. If Taehyung wanted to play cars with him, then if course he would play. "I bettew than Jungkook wight?" He asked, crashing his own blue car into Jimin's knee. Jimin didn't have a favorite, he loved them all equally, but he wanted his brothers to be happy all the time. So of course he wanted Taehyung, the one who asked the question, to be happy with his answer, so he answered. "I like you the most of couvse." Jimin knew that he had given his brother the best answer when he saw his younger brother's eyes light up, and lips turn into a smile. There was nothing Jimin loved more than seeing his family smile. "I wike you the most too." Taehyung smiled back and gave Jimin a big hug before he started racing the car up his arm.

Jimin was so busy making sure Taehyung happy, that he forgot about the other brother who had asked him if he wanted to play with cars. Jungkook sat alone on the floor playing with the red car, but he wasn't smiling, he wasn't happy at all. His two older brothers had left him to play with his car alone. He knew it had been Taehyung's turn to play with it, but the red was so pretty, and he wanted to play with it so much. He knew he shouldn't have forced the car out of his brother's grip, but he had still done it. And now Taehyung and Jimin were mad at him, and played cars without him on the opposite side of the room. He saw them smile and talk as they played. Jungkook didn't want to cry, but it was hard not too. He looked at the red car in his hand. "It's all your fault!" He yelled at it and threw it across the room. He promised himself that he would never play with the pretty red car again.

Alone With Six [BTS kids] (hiatus)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon