2nd part

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They had been scheduled to meet the boy a week later. They didn't have the time to get a babysitter so they had to bring the other children, even though they had been highly recommended not to, because it could be a little much for the toddler to take in.

They arrived at the adoption agency, a big gray concrete building. It didn't really seem like a place that would contain any children, but that was exactly what it did, and in one way, that thought was disturbing.

"Are you missus Kim Songhee and mister Kim Seokjin?" The man at the front desk of the building asked, and eyed the couple and the three children that followed. "Yes, we are." Seokjin smiled. The man nodded and looked through a few papers before motioning for the family to follow him. After a while of walking through the white halls, they finally reached their destination. A playroom. The family would be able to play a bit with the boy, and get to know him more, both for their own, and the child's best.

The door to the room was opened and they were met by the sight of a small boy sitting on the floor, smiling happily while playing with a Ryan stuffie. "Namjoon, this is Kim Seokjin, Kim Songhee and their three sons. Remember I told you about them?" The man told, and the small boy stood up and nodded slightly. The child slowly started making his way towards the new guests, his eyes shifted to the floor as he walked and he was slightly tugging at his sleeve, clear signs of nervousness and insecurities. "'ello." The small child said faintly and bowed down formally to the strangers.

"Mommy, who that?" Yoongi asked and pointed at the younger boy. "His name is Namjoon, he is going to become your new brother." Songhee smiled, but Seokjin could sense a bit of uncertainty in his wife's words. "Like babies in mommy's tummy?" Yoongi asked again, eyeing the other. "Yes, almost like that." She smiled, but this one wasn't a full smile either. Yoongi losened his grip from his mother's hand and walked over to the smaller boy. "I'm Yoongi." He smiled, and the boy smiled back revealing a faint pair of dimples on his chubby cheeks. "Wow, mommy watt're those?" Yoongi asked and poked the side of the younger's cheeks. "They are dimples honey." She answered and ruffled her son's hair. "Cyute." Yoongi mumbled. Suddenly the three year only sprinted to the back of the room after noticing the big collection of toys. "Mommy I pway with them?!" He yelled eagerly, and turned a box containing action figures around so that all of the toys fell out. "I'm sure you can sweetie." She smiled as she walked over to the back of the room too, but she had a bit of a different goal than playing with the toys in mind by doing so. She sat down on a chair, and prepared herself to breastfeed Jimin. "Eww, mommy do dat 'gain!" Hoseok yelled and ran over to his older brother, hiding behind him so he didn't need to watch the 'disgusting scene' that was about to erupt. Namjoon had no idea what was going on, but he too walked after the two other boys, sat down on the carpet and started playing with his Ryan plushie again. This time though he kept on eyeing the floor while doing so.

Playtime was over, much to the toddlers' distaste. They wanted to continue playing their fun game, and couldn't do that at home because they weren't allowed to bring the toys. "So what do you think?" The man that had showed them in asked, his eyes hopeful. He felt bad for Namjoon. All the parents that had been there earlier had looked at him with disgust because he was chubby, and becuase he kept on looking at the floor instead of them. If he could, he would've taken Namjoon in himself, but because he was working with him, and didn't have the proper education needed to adopt children, he wasn't allowed to. He still wanted to do everything in his power for Namjoon to get the best imageable family, that would love him either way.

Seokjin looked over at his wife wanting her to answer, as she had carefully observed the boy over the past two hours. She took the hint from her husbands stares, and spoke up. "He seems like a nice kid. But he doesn't seem to be as active as what is normal for children his age." It was true, while Yoongi and Hoseok had chased each other with a superman action figure, Namjoon had been sitting quietly on the carpet, brushing the small hairs on his Ryan toy. "He is quite shy, but once he becomes more secure he starts jumping around too." The man replied, and Seokjin nodded. "That's understandable." He answered. "Daddy we keep?" Yoongi asked and tugged on his father's arm. "You want to?" Seokjin asked, smiling at the small boy and took him up in his arms. "I wike, and Hoseok wike. I sure Jimin wike too." Yoongi continued and looked at his father with puppy eyes. The man behind the counter cooed at the three year old, smiling at him. "So are you willing to try to take him in?" The man asked, hoping that this family would be the right one for Namjoon. "If you want to, I can schedule for you to meet him again next week." "Yes, we'd love that." Seokjin smiled, and after signing a few papers, the family seated themselfs in the seven seater and travelled back home.

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