10th part

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"What happened today." Seokjin asked with a sigh as he walked over to the oldest twin. He had just finished washing the dishes after dinner and had told the other children to go play while he had a talk with the two youngest brothers. "Jungkook stole my ved caw, an' den I played wit' Jimi instead an I don' wan' plaw wit' Jungkook anymove. I wanna be Jimi's twin." Taehyung explained with a pout and drug his knees closer to his chest. "You don't want him to be your twin because he stole your car?" The father repeated and the child nodded his head, faint sniffles being heard from the black haired.

"Taehyung, I agree that it wasn't nice of Jungkook to steal your car, but you can't say that you don't want to be his brother anymore." As he heard those words Taehyung instantly started nodding his head. "YESH I CAN!" He yelled and stood up from the floor. "Jungkook issh mean, an' he always bettev than me. I hate him! Jimin issh mussh bettev tan Jungkook an' he even shaid he wikes me more!"  Taehyung exclaimed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Kim Taehyung, don't you dare say that you hate your brother!" Seokjin told strictly, hate was a strong, negative word, and he was not planning on letting his children use the word like any other word that they picked up.

He sighed once more before he continued talking to his son. His tone was softer now. "You are allowed to argue, and it's normal to feel bitter about things, but deep inside..." Seokjin started and laid his big, open hand against his son's chest right above where his heart was. "...you know that you love him." The child started crying at that, big tears running down his cheeks lik waterfalls "If I vove him, then why does it hurt so mussh in hewe every time he wins somet'ing and is bettew than me?" He asked an engulfed his father in a big hug, crying on his shoulder. "Darling, that has nothing to do with you loving him or not. We have very many different feelings and sometimes it can be hard knowing which ones are which, but I think that what you feel inside your heart is jealousy." The father told softly, carefully rubbing his son on his back to comfort him. "What issh that daddy?" He asked, words muffled as he spoke into his father's shoulder.

"It's a bad feeling that you can feel towards a person who did something you wish you could do. It is completely normal to feel it, and I think everyone has felt it at least once in their lives." "Even Jungkook." The boy interrupted, but still didn't look up from the his daddy's shoulder. "Yes, even Jungkook." The father answered with a slight chuckle. "But it can be a good feeling too." He continued, and when he said that the child moved his eyes to watch his father's face as he talked. "Because it makes you want to do better next time." The cries quieted down into sniffles as the boy processed the words.

Jungkook made him want to try to be better and stronger, that wasn't bad, Jungkook...wasn't bad? He wasn't certain about the conclusion he had come to, but he chose to stick with it until he was. " 'ank you daddy." He said, dried the tears of his cheeks with his sleeve and smiled. "I wan'to apologize now." He whispered, a bit embarrassed to admit it, to admit that this entire fight had been unnecessary, and that it had been his fault. "I will let you do that, but I need to talk to him too first, so go play with your brothers and I'll tell you when you can come talk to him." The father kissed his son's head, and watched as the boy ran off to their bedroom to play with his older brothers.

Seokjin stood up from his crouched position on the floor and looked over to the other figure that was seated quietly in the other corner of the room. It didn't come as a shock that they had a fight about this, he had in all honesty waited for it. Of course what he had told Taehyung was true, but the words the child had said were true too. Jungkook was good at a lot of things, but it wasn't without effort like Taehyung thought. Seokjin had often seen the youngest practicing things in front of the mirror in the bathroom, or in their bedroom if there was nobody there. His development might have been extraordinary, but the boy put a lot of effort into making his older brothers proud.

"Jungkook?" He called a placed a hand on the said child's shoulder making him turn around from the corner with teary eyes. "Yes daddy?" He replied back, eying the floor instead of his father. "Why did you take the car from your brother?" He asked, and sat down next to the boy when he realized that the boy wasn't planning on looking at him any time soon.

"Be..Because it is so pretty, and I wanted to play with it, I didn't want him to have it, but I still wanted to play with him." He sniffled and placed his face on his knees. "I understand that, but he wanted to play with it too. I don't think you were nice when you took the car." The father informed, earning himself a sniffle filled sigh from the boy next to him. "I know, and I have promised to never play with the car again. I just want TaeTae hyung back, and I want to play with him again." The youngest told, and Seokjin moved closer to him, putting a hand around him. "He wants to play with you too now, he is not angry anymore." He told eying his son, who finally looked up. "Really?" Jungkook asked with big eyes and a smile. "Yeah, but promise me that you won't take anything in the future. That's not nice. Also don't be afraid to tell me if you guys quarrel, I am happy to help."

When they were done talking, he kissed Jungkook's head too and called for Taehyung. The boy came storming into the room with watery eyes.

"Now that you are both here, I want inform you and that I won't let you get away with just a warning and a few minutes in the corner next time you use violence." Seokjin warned them, but he wasn't sure if the children had actually listened to his statement.

The meeting between the two didn't go fully as what he had thought though, because instead of apologizing, Taehyung seemed like he was second guessing what he had said earlier, and instead of returning the younger twin's smile, he gave him a frown before he broke their eye contact and crossed his arms. "Don' wanna apologize aftev all." He said and ran back to the bedroom where his hyungs were playing.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook screamed after him, sprinting after his older brother. Unfortunately he was too late and was instead met by the door being slammed in his face. "Daddy." Jungkook whined, feeling  a new set of tears form in his eyes. Seokjin was just as shocked as the youngest child. Taehyung had sounded sincere when he had said he wanted to apologize earlier, and he had not expected him to have such a sudden change of heart. "I'm sorry Jungkook." He sighed while approaching the boy. "We'll figure this out alright? No need to worry." He told and kneeled down drying his son's tears off with his sleeve, smiling at him.

Meanwhile the second youngest looked at his brothers, who had all stopped in their action to stare at their brother when he had come bursting into the room, slamming the door. "What's wrong Taehyungie?" Hoseok asked concerned. He quickly let go of the puzzle piece from the transformers puzzle he was solving with Yoongi, and ran over to the oldest twin. Taehyung didn't answer him though, mostly because he didn't know the answer himself either. It was like seeing Jungkook's face triggered him a bit and made him think of all the times Jungkook had acted unfair, including the time today. It made Taehyung realize that he had no reason to apologize. It was all Jungkook's fault, and if someone had to apologize it was the younger.

Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders, pretending like nothing was wrong and walked over to Namjoon, who was sitting in a bean bag in the back of the room trying to read one of the books from Seokjin's bookshelf.

Namjoon didn't seem to mind it when his younger brother sat down on the beanbag next to him, putting his head on his shoulder. Instead he closed the book and put his own head on top of Taehyung's.

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