6th part

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Namjoon looked at Hoseok one last time. The older had already turned around and was talking to some of the other kids. Namjoon sighed and eyed his group. He didn't know any of them. Their faces were familiar, he had seen them before and knew their names, but he wasn't the same as Hoseok, he wasn't outgoing or liked by the other children without trying. Namjoon had never talked to anyone in daycare except his brothers and sometimes the teachers. For him it wasn't that easy. "Namjoon, wanna sit together?" Jaebum asked with a smile. Yes, I would love to, was what Namjoon wanted to say, but of course it wouldn't work like that, so he nodded his head instead. It wasn't what he had wanted to do, but it delivered the same message.

"Now everyone, I know that you're all looking forward to the summer show, and we have a a lot of songs that we need to learn. But I know you guys can do it, so I want you all to stand up and stand on two lines and we can start practicing." Byulyi smiled and motioned for a big open spot on the floor where the children could line up. "Namjoon, can we stand next to each other?" Jaebum asked, Namjoon nodded once again. "You don't talk much, do you?" Jaebum asked with a smile. Namjoon was about to answer his question by shaking his head, but Jaebum continued talking, not leaving a room for his answer. "You and Hoseok are so different, he talks all the time." Namjoon agreed, his older brother talked all the time, and smiled all the time, Namjoon didn't understand how he did it. Even when he fell and scraped his knees he would cry at first, but laugh it off later, saying something like "I must have looked so stupid falling like that." Namjoon sighed, he wished he could be like Hoseok.

The first song they were going to sing was a song that everyone knew, so they didn't need to work that much on it. "Wow, you're so good already." Byulyi smiled and looked through some sheets of papers to find the next song. "Hey Namjoon, when I heard you sing just now it reminded me, you don't talk well do you. You keep on repeating the letters." Jaebum said in a serious tone. "W-well, y-y...yeah." The other replied a bit embarrassed, he didn't like it when people brought up his stuttering. He hated it. "No need to worry, I can help you. See, instead of saying b-b-baby c....cow, you just say baby cow." The smaller smiled at Namjoon. He should wish it was that easy, it didn't matter how many times he heard it, he was still unable to pronounce it. "B-b..baby c-cow." He tried and Jaebum's smile turned to a frown. "No, I told not to say it like that. You have to say 'baby cow'." He repeated and looked at Namjoon. "B-b-b-b." Namjoon felt himself grow frustrated. He wanted this just as much as Jaebum, but it just didn't work. "B-ba..ba..b-by c-co-ow." He said and it made him even more frustrated because he still couldn't say it. "You're not good at this are you?" Jaebum sighed. "Listen closely." He said one more one last time "Baby cow. Baby cow. BABY COW!" He yelled out loudly, like emphasizing it would help. "S-s-sor-rry J-Jaeb-bum, b-b-but I-I c-can't-t." The youngest said quietly and turned back to look at the teacher who was still going through her big pile of papers. "Hoseok is right. You really are no fun." He sighed after Namjoon had turned his head away from him.

The words made Namjoon's eyes shoot up. Did he hear him correctly? Hoseok thought he was no fun? He could feel tears prickling in his eyes at the thought. His brother, who he loved higher than himself, found him to be no fun? But they always played together. Hoseok didn't enjoy that? Was he really bored with playing with his younger brother. Namjoon wanted to cry, run over to his older brother and hug him, beg him to say that it wasn't true. But he didn't, because if he did, he would be breaking one of the rules, and then he'd be a bad boy, which would lead to Hoseok liking him even less.

So instead he kept quiet. Crying silently for himself while trying to not stutter through the rest of the songs.

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