3rd part

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"Shoot, shoot shoot!!" Seokjin yelled as he was running through the small apartment, trying to get dressed and brush his teeth at the same time. Taehyung had been awake the evening before, crying due to a nightmare, and after getting the three year old to bed he had been so tired that he had forgotten to set his alarm. Because of that, he now had ten minutes to wake everyone up, dress them and get them to eat some breakfast, before driving them to school and daycare.

"Everyone up now! We are late!" Seokjin yelled and forcefully opened the curtains in the bedroom, making the ones who were already awake from his loud yelling, groan at the bright light. "Come on, get up and go eat breakfast. We need to hurry or Yoongi will be late for his first day of school." The man said and shook the small frame belonging to his six year old. "But daddy I'm tired. Can't school wait till tomorrow?" He groaned and turned his back to Seokjin, trying to continue his peaceful sleeping session. "Come on lazy bum, you should be excited." The father said and dragged the duvet away from Yoongi, making him whine as his body came in contact with the cold air. "Now everyone let's head to the kitchen!" Seokjin exclaimed and rushed to the said destination, a train of yawning children behind him.

Seokjin rushed over to the cabinets, getting six bowls and placing them on the table, then he filled each one of them with cereal and milk. "But daddy I don' wan' cereal." Jimin complained while looking at the bowl in distaste. "We don't have time for anything else today Jimin, please be nice and eat your cereal and let's rather make something delicious for dinner, okay?" Jimin frowned weakly, but took a spoon and started eating nonetheless. While the boys were eating, Seokjin started making their lunches, usually he would always make sure that their lunches contained all the right amount of nutrition that they would need, but considering his time limit, he simply gave each of them an apple and a sandwich with cheese and ham. "Done." He told himself and headed over to his sons' backpacks distributing the different boxes. Kumamon lunchbox in the black backpack, a green lego shaped lunchbox into the military backpack, the Ryan lunchbox was placed in the matching Ryan backpack, cat lunchbox and cat backpack, and lastly the two light blue lunch boxes, one in the blue backpack with aliens on it, and the other in the plain blue backpack. "And done." Seokjin said once again, now the only thing he needed to do was to help Taehyung and Jungkook dress, hoping that the older ones could for once manage to do the simple task.

Seokjin rushed back to the kitchen again, surprised to see all the boys gone, and the bowls neatly placed on the counter. He rushed to the bathroom, finding all the boys half dressed, Namjoon had even gone through the trouble of trying to dress the two three year olds. Jungkook's shirt was inside out, but once Seokjin had turned his shirt the right way, they were ready to go.

The boys took their backpacks, and soon they were all placed in the car. "I will drop Yoongi off first since we are already late." The father said, making sure that his children were all wearing their seat belts, before starting the car and speeding out of the driveway. He had two minutes until the bell at Yoongi's school would ring, and the school was a ten minute drive away. He really hated that his son had to suffer the consequences of him waking up late. "Yoongi what do you want for dinner?" This was Seokjin's poor attempt at making it up to his son. "Curry." Yoongi answered quietly, and Seokjin smiled. "Curry it is then." He exclaimed happily, earning some groans and some cheers from the backseat.

Seokjin visibly relaxed when he could see the image of the school building grow closer. "Get ready for your first day Yoongi." Seokjin smiled after stopping at the school's parking lot. Yoongi took his backpack and was ready to rush out, but was stopped by a hand on his shirt collar. "What daddy?" Yoongi whined not wanting to be held back any longer. "Excuse me, but you won't be leaving anywhere without giving your daddy a goodbye kiss." The father said sternly. "But daddy.." "No buts." Seokjin interrupted, pointing at his unkissed cheek. "Fine." Yoongi groaned, leaning over and giving the cheek a small peck, and then walking out of the car, smiling a bright gummy smile and waving the car goodbye. "Good luck." Seokjin said quietly before he continued his round of delivering children.

He delivered the rest at daycare. Namjoon and Hoseok was going to the section for older children, while the twins and Jimin were still stuck in the one for the younger ones. Both of the two older boys were a bit nervous because it would be the first year in daycare without Yoongi. The three youngest had each other, but before they had been assigned to the daycare center the remaining boys had already gotten accustomed to spending the days together, even with the wooden fence between the sections separating them, the boys had still been able to spend every day together. So for the oldest children, a year without Yoongi sounded strange and somehow, empty. When they they mentioned this, Seokjin couldn't help, but to think about Yoongi, being all alone on the first day of school. "It'll be alright, you are both big boys now." He reassured the two,  and after getting pecks on his cheek by all of the kids, they too walked out off the car. The five exchanging hugs before going to their separate sections, the two oldest holding hands as they walked inside. "Goodbye." Seokjin whispered after them as he started his car engine again, then he drove away.

When all off the boys had been delivered, the only thing remaining, was finding a believable story to tell his boss that could explain why he was forty minutes late. He had a job as a waiter in a restaurant, he didn't earn much, but he couldn't quit when he had six children that needed food. Plus he really liked his job, yes once in a while the customers were asses, but there were mostly happy customers, that were glad to share stories of how their day had been, and give some extra tips to the handsome waiter.

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