5th part

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Hoseok looked over at his hand which was intervened in his younger brother's. It was unusual for the two to hold hands, but Namjoon was a really unpredictable child, at least in Hoseok's opinion. Sometimes he was extremely clingy like now. Other times he was the most independent between the children. Hoseok had been told many times that he himself was quite predictable. He was easy to take care of because one would always know which tricks would work on him. Namjoon had lived with the family for such a long time, but this seemed to be a thing that hadn't changed about him, even after his environment changed. The boy sighed and looked over at their still intervened hands, and he continued to look at them as they closed the last meters left between them and the daycare center.

"Hoseok!" A small boy yelled and ran into the said boy's arms, engulfing him in a big hug. "Jaebum!" Hoseok yelled back with just as much enthusiasm, as he hugged the smaller back. "I've missed you so much. I haven't seen you all summer." "Yeah, I know we....." "Hoseok, Namjoon. You're late." The teacher interrupted and sent the two latecomers a strict look. "L-l...et's s-sit d-down." Namjoon said tucking lightly at the end of his older brother's sweater. The action made Hoseok flinch a bit as the fabric of his sleeve suddenly moved. Once again Namjoon had done something Hoseok hadn't expected. He really was unpredictable. "Yeah." Hoseok answered faintly and let himself get dragged by his sleeve and unto the soft cushions on the floor.

Once the two had sat down, the teachers eyes softened and she sent the two boys a smile before explaining the day plan to the children. "So today I was thinking that we will divide you into two groups. One group will be here with me, and have free play. The other one will follow Byulyi and practice the show that will be preformed at this year's summer concert. Then we will change groups over lunch." Everyone, including Hoseok cheered at the statement. Or so Hoseok thought, that was until he saw the silhouette of his younger brother shrink in his place instead of joining the loud cheers. "Namjoon, it'll be fun. Plus we are sitting right next to each other we will probably be in the same group anyway." He smiled and gave his brother a thumbs up, before averting his attention towards the teacher again. "I want you to help me divide you into the groups. If we start with Jaebum, you say one and then Hoseok two and Namjoon one again." She explained and motioned for the next child to continue.


The happy counting of the others filled the room and Hoseok happily chanted with them.


Soon the counting stopped when they had reached the last child. "Great, now I want the ones who got the number one to follow Byulyi, and the ones who got two can stay here with me." Hoseok stood up and was ready to find the rest of the children who had gotten the number two, but he was interrupted by his brothers faint voice behind him. "B-but... y-you s-s-said t....that we would g-get the s-same n...number." The elders smile faded a bit as he looked at his younger brother's sad expression. "I am sorry Namjoon. I didn't know they would do it like that today, but it's fine. You're with Jaebum so if anything happens you can just ask him." He smiled at the slightly shorter once more. "Y-Yeah, b-but....." "Everyone with number one needs to follow me." Byulyi unknowingly interrupted, and Namjoon was forced to leave the conversation and follow the train of children led by the teacher.

Hoseok eyed his bother as he left the room, he knew that Namjoon would be able to manage, he was smart, and as he had told him earlier, he had Jaebum. Jaebum was super nice, and was Hoseok's besets friend, he knew Jaebum would be happy to help. He smiled once again and turned to the other children in his group. "Now." Hyejin, the other teacher, spoke up with a clap of her hands, getting the children's attention. "You can play with whatever you want of toys inside of this room. But you have to remember rule one..." she stopped with a finger pointed in the air looking at the children and waited fo them to complete the sentence. "...to share." They all answered and smiled back at her. "Good, now have fun everyone." She continued. The group cheered and then split up. Each one of them heading towards a different play station.

Hoseok walked straight over to the shelf which contained different board games. He smiled brightly as he pulled out is all time favorite game. Twister. "Hoseok why do you and Namjoon always arrive at the same time?" A boy called Seungyoon asked and walked over to the other with a red crayon in his hand. "Because we are brothers of course." Hoseok smiled back at the slightly older boy, and unfolded the twister board smiling brightly. "What! But you don't look alike at all!" Seungyoon yelled back, almost dropping his crayon. "That's because he is my adoptive brother." Hoseok answered with a small giggle. He found the flustered face the other showed to be really funny. "What's that mean?" The other asked once again. This time he had put his crayon back in the container and was ready to join Hoseok in a game of twister. "It means..." the younger started placing his left hand on red together with Seungyoon. "..it means that, his parents didn't want him and placed him in this biiiiig adoption center until he got new parents." He continued "Right foot on blue." A girl who wanted to spin the wheel said. "But why is he your brother?" He questioned while moving his foot to the closest blue circle. "Because my daddy took him in and became his new parent, so now he is my brother." Hoseok smiled as he explained, he liked telling the story. It always made him happy that it had been his daddy out of all people who had adopted Namjoon. He loved the younger after all, and could never imagine how his life would be without him. "Right hand on green." The girl spoke up again, Seungyoon seemed to be struggling with this, his movements becoming wobbly. "I-I see." He managed to say, before losing his balance and falling down on the twister board with a thud. "Yey!" Hoseok yelled declaring his win to the others.

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