9th part

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The ride home was strangely quiet Seokjin thought. It was unusual, the twins didn't talk or laugh while annoying their older brothers. Instead they sat in silence, with their backs facing eachother and both of them staring out of the window on the opposite side from the other. Jimin was sut in between the two of them with dried tear streaks on his cheeks, desperatly trying to get the two younger to interact with eachother. The older ones were quiet too, it was like they didn't know what to do exept nag at their annoying younger siblings. And now that they didn't have any reason to nag at them, it was like they didn't know what to do anymore, like there was a hole in their schedule that they couldn't fill. It was strange, the father had at least expected the three oldest to talk together, expected Namjoon and Hoseok to question Yoongi about school and also rant about their own day in day care without him, but there was nothing. He knew he had to ask them why. Of course it happened that they fought and quarreled, though it was a rare occurance that it was to an extent like this. Usually they quickly forgave eachother and afterwards played together as if nothing had happened.

The silence continued even when they were sitting around the dinner table, eating curry like Yoongi had requested. Nothing. No words were exchanged. "What happened at daycare today?" He spoke up, and finally broke the silence, it was a question he asked everyday while they were eating dinner, but today it was different, like it had a strict undertone to it. Both of the twins looked at Jimin, but he was to busy staring at his plate of curry to look back, so instead they turned their head to look at their father. The moment after was silent just an exchange of confused looks between the family members. It is always quiet before the storm. But then the storm broke out as a roar of harsh words. Two twins started yelling and screaming, one voice overlapping the other and the volume steadily increased. The loud words that were exchanged were the words of both twins telling their part of the story. Two separate stories that were both impossible to catch.

When the twins realized that their stories couldn't be heard, they stopped telling them. That didn't mean they were done, and Taehyung clearly stated that when he shot a clenched fist to his younger brother's arm, the room filled with shocked gasps from all the children who just watched the scene in horror. "Kim Taehyung!" Seokjin screamed and rushed over to their side of the table to stop the commotion. Unfortunately he didn't make it to them before Jungkook pushed Taehyung of the chair and onto the floor. "Stop it, both of you!" The father shouted. When he finally reached the two brothers he was quick to separate them. "Go stand in the corner, violence is not tolerated in this house under any circumstances." By now the loud words had quieted down, but the father still spoke in a manner that made chills run down the two boys' spines.

"Daddy, what's going on? Why were they fighting?" Hoseok asked as he watched his younger brothers walk to two separate corners. "I don't know sweetie. But there is no need to worry, they will be friends again in no time." Seokjin smiled and ruffled his son's hair. "Now Yoongi." He started while he walked back to his chair and sat down. "How was your first day of school?" When he said that, the realization suddenly spread over the rest of the kids' faces. "Yes, How was it?" Hoseok asked excited and leaned over the table so he could be closer to the six year old. "It was okay." The oldest replied while chewing a piece of curry. "Nothing special." The excitement instantly died down. "I-is sn't-t s-school fu-n?" Namjoon questioned with a disappointed look on his face. Both he and Hoseok wanted to start school so much, and they had had many conversations about how jealous they were that Yoongi got to start going to school, while they had to wait another year.

Yoongi understood by his siblings' reaction that he might have given them the wrong answer. He didn't want to kill their joy, or make them to dread going to school. "It's probably because you guys weren't there though. It takes some getting used to not having my clingy younger brothers around after all." Smiles instantly replaced the disappointed looks. Yoongi gave a faint smile back to them, before he resumed his continuous munching of curry . "Day care wasn't the same without you either." Hoseok said, and Jimin and Namjoon nodded in agreement.

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