Chapter 24

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If I came to think of it, my life had taken a drastic turn in a matter of three days. One moment I was confessing my love for a man, the other, he turned out to be a hunter and abducted me, breaking my heart in the process and now I am the new Queen of Fang Peak getting a marriage proposal from someone, I  wouldn't even had imagined in my dreams and who wasn't my mate, the Draconian King of Thunder Crest.

" Marriage? " My lips barely moved in a whisper but the King caught it easily.

" Yes your Majesty. " His quick eyes accessing my reaction. " Nothing new, I presume. "

It was true, the idea of marrying a person who wasn't your mate, wasn't unheard of. We were royals and often indulged in such arrangements for the mutual benefits of the kingdom, but what I failed to understand was, even though the marriage will benefit our kingdoms, it won't make a whole lot of impact because they were flourishing already. I couldn't see the motives behind those words he had uttered, leaving me stunned.

" What is it that you need, that we can't work out a treaty for? " I coolly looked at him, masking the havoc he had created inside me.

" You really do humour me your Majesty. " Chuckling, he strolled to the fireplace and stood facing the fire. I could see the shadows dancing on the side of his face, " There's nothing we can't work out for Thunder Crest, I am quite convincing when it comes to making deals. " He shot a smirk at me.

" Then why the proposal your Majesty? " I was itching to wipe that infuriating smirk off his face, he was playing too many games for my liking, the games I wanted no part in.

His expression turned blank with traces of annoyance and anger, " The proposal is not for my kingdom, Princess Laskaris, " He stepped towards me, " It's for me. I want a chance at happiness. "

I leaned against the window, crossing my arms, " And you think I am that chance? " I quirked my brow.

" You don't view me like others, you challenge me and " A small smile played on his lips, " you humour me. " He walked to me, stopping at a distance of two feet, " So I know you are that chance. "

I was baffled, he wasn't a man who went around throwing out proposals randomly, what he was doing right now was so unlike him.

" There's much more to me, your Majesty, if only you would give me a chance. " He somehow once again managed to read my mind.

" How long have you had this in your mind? " I narrowed my eyes at him.

In reply he just shrugged, " It solidified after the ball. "

I nodded silently,

I was guessing on it.

" But you see- "

" Hear me out. " He raised a hand, stopping me. Swallowing, he sighed, " I don't expect you to be as unfortunate as me, you have your mate somewhere but that is the perk of being a vampire, we have all the time in the world. " His eyes shifted from me to the scene provided by the window. " Take your time, consider me as back up. " Snapping his gaze back at me, he gave me a rueful smile, " I will wait for my chance. Live in hope. "

His words were simple but their weight was nearly enough to make me stumble, had I not been supporting myself against the window. He was in more darkness than he let onto, just like my father and King Terrance, he too, was bound by his duties to live.

Mulling over his proposal, I decided to agree. After everything that had happened, the only place left in my life was, for my mate, I didn't have it in me to fall in love again. My heart constricted at that thought, treacherously reminding me of a certain someone. If not my mate, then King Byron it is, at least he had nothing to hide and he won't hurt me, he was too crushed under the weight of his own pain to inflict any on me.

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