Chapter 31

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"He said that?" Surprise was etched all over Carl's face, "Interesting", he muttered.

"He doesn't seem to be the thoughtful kind. And he said that he's doing it for you?"

I nodded.

"The Draconian King making decisions against his own interests?"

Carl gave an exasperated shrug and fell back to my bed while I stood by the window, finding entertainment in his reaction. He found it hard to digest that Byron had proposed me to let both him and Dorian court me.

"I was a vampire hunter all my life, we have our eyes on the royalty, their mannerisms. He is particularly famous in our kind."

"I know, he's acting slightly different lately." I grimaced.

"Slightly." Carl snorted and pulled himself just as there was a knock on the door.

"May I come in my Queen?" Jeff asked from behind the door.

"Yes please."

He and Chaz entered, both standing stiffly at the door, eyeing Carl warily; him being equally uncomfortable. All the events here had left them completely confused and miserable. Being my royal guards, they weren't sure if they should be strangling my mate and kindred or protecting them.

Trust me, I am equally confused

Though, my mind was getting clearer where it came to Carl.

"His Majesty, King Garrett has arrived with Prince Raphael and shall be joining us for lunch."

I couldn't help the joy that spread through me at thought of my father and son being here. It was amazing how the mere knowledge of their presence brought me immense comfort.

"That's marvellous, they came early. I couldn't be happier." Grinning at them I paused when I noticed Carl writhing.
He was nervous, guilt once more shining in his eyes. His last encounter with my son wasn't something I would like to reminiscence. I went and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly,

"My son is the most tender soul; you will ever meet. He will warm up to you...." I paused thoughtfully, "eventually."

"Earn his forgiveness and you will have ours too." Jeff nodded and then both my royal guards left the room to take their posts.

"Will he forgive me?" Carl asked uncertainly.

"He will, it might not come easily though. He's taken after his father." A fond smile spread through my lips.

"I won't rest until he does."

"That's the spirit."

Mimicking his actions from the morning, I offered him my elbow, "Let's go."

My heart was beating with anticipation, all this while, I had been dying to hold my son in my arms. To take comfort from his scent and adorable babbling. To hug my father and get lost in his protective embrace. 

Oh, how I wished I was a little girl again.

But I wasn't, I was a mother, a Queen, a sire to a vampire

A mate

Responsibility was there in every aspect of my life. I exhaled with a big smile on my face as the servants opened the giant dark doors leading to the dinning hall which was lined with stone sculptures by the wall and a large table with chairs all around it. Unlike the conference hall, the table was polished wood with beautiful utensils strategically placed on it. Few Council members were already in there, some occupying the chairs while others stood near the table in deep discussion.
My eyes zeroed on the man with his platinum blond braid who was carrying a child and had his back to me. Before I could take another step, the child turned, his little forming perking up.

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