Chapter 32

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The rest of the day went peacefully. With the  ball round the corner, the castle was buzzing with energy. Everyone was busy and excited and this spirit had infected Raph too, whose super excited eyes followed everything and everyone. He was restless and spent the rest of the evening running through the hallways, exploring. Carl beside him with his jubilant enthusiasm; guiding him from one place to another.

After a good entertainment and "tiring" 100 sit ups, Carl and Raph became best buddies.

More like partner in crimes

I was honestly scared of those two together, who knew what they might come up with. At the same time, I was also quite happy that they were bonding. Though, I couldn't say the same about Chaz and Jeff. They took shifts watching over Raph and Carl and didn't match their interests in turning every ancient stone of this great castle. Seasoned soldiers but looking after a kid.... Two kids? Would be a challenge for the toughest of sergeants.

Their expedition lasted shorter than Raph would have preferred but Carl being a newling had things to learn and training to do. Currently he was under High King's guidance, him and Dorian both and it was decided that I would start looking after Carl once the ball was over. The High King didn't want his guest to be burdened by responsibilities or so he said. I didn't protest, honestly, I was grateful, I needed sometime to grasp the scattered pieces of my life.

Carl stopped by my room to drop a pouty Raph with a promise to continue from where they left tomorrow. Ella was there too with Sofia, to help me into my evening gown. Both my maid's attention was on Carl the moment he walked in, Ella red as a tomato and Sofia simply curious as she left to get bath ready for Raph.

"We meet again miss beautiful." Carl kissed her hand again, giving a heart melting smile and we both could hear how her heart skipped a beat when he did that.

It was obvious the effect he had on her, almost cute if you asked me. My Ella was a shy girl and it was easy to make her blush but the stars that danced in her eyes when she looked at Carl, she had a crush on him. I discreetly elbowed her, the crimson colouring her cheeks intensifying ten folds.

"I...." She stammered to come up with a reply as Carl raised a brow, patiently waiting for her to say something.

But much to his disappointment, Sofia peeked into the room, "The water is warm, Ella please bring the Prince."

She didn't need to be told twice. Seeing an escape, she grasped it and ushered Raph with her, who was taking in their exchange fascinated.

Carl sighed stepping back, "Why is she always running away from me?" I could sense a little hurt in his words.

"Do you like her?"

He nodded slightly, "As a hunter I never really had the time for all this, I was too busy trying to impress father. But yes, I like her."

"Do you intend to pursue her?"

"That reminds me of a question. Do I have a mate too?"

I shook my head, "No, only those who are born vampires have a mate, who like them, is also born a vampire. A vampire can have more than one mate but it is very rare. You on the other hand, have the free will to unite with the person you fall for. When you mark your lover, your bond will be like that of mates but it has to be created, it won't be pre-existing like mine."

"I see. There's lots for me to learn. "

"No worries we have all the time in the world. Now, do tell me. Do you intend to pursue her?"

"Sure, I love tornadoes." Carl gave me a boyish grin.

"You have my blessings but know this Carl, she has had her own share of pain and sufferings. I won't tell you against hurting her because I know you don't intend to but, I will tell you this. Go after her only if you are sure you could be the man she deserves. Because, she deserves the best."

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