Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sound of someone gasping, on opening my eyes, I saw Dorian sputtering blood, holding his neck where my claws were digging painfully.

" Why? " He gurgled, his emerald eyes looking at me in pain. " I trusted you, why did you kill me? "

" No, " A sob tore through me, as I stepped away from the bed, covering my mouth laced in his blood.

I saw the gushing blood drain the life out of his eyes, as he stared limply into nothingness. I looked at my reflection and saw my predator smirking at me, it's tongue darting out to lick the remnants of his blood around my mouth. Staggering back, I lost my footing on the carpet and fell but instead of coming in contact with the floor, I kept falling.

After what felt like forever, I hit against the hard floor with a groan. I landed face first, shielding myself with my arms and breaking my wrists in the process. Sitting up, I nursed my broken wrists as they started healing. Looking up, I was surprised as I saw myself in the ornamental mirror in that prison cell. It was translucent but it was there, unlike the other times I was here when the mirror didn't acknowledge me.

It was a moonless night, completely dark and I could only make out the outlines of the insides of the prison cell. The red-haired lady was sitting on the broken mattress with her son sleeping with his head in her lap. They were covered in silence, I could see her caressing his head. The boy had grown, the last time I saw him, he was five but now he looked around nine or ten, I wasn't sure exactly, due to the dim lighting. Moments passed, I sat with my back to the mirror, staring at them. When she broke it with a soft whisper.

" Happy tenth birthday Im vordi, you are a complete vampire now, you don't need me to survive anymore. " Her voice held love, pride and...sadness.

I saw her head dip, kissing her son's hair as a small sob shook her body. I had never seen her like that and that left me confused and scared. But before anything else could happen, there were footsteps coming in our direction and the metal door rattled violently. It opened to reveal the same bald man with wolf tattoo but this time, he wasn't alone, he had two more men standing behind him hidden in black cloaks. They stepped inside making the woman tense, she gave out a warning hiss, tightening her hold on her son. This movement of hers, woke the boy up. Those men froze for when a pair of bright red eyes glared at them. The boy's predator was out, protecting him and his mother. He let out a snarl, crouching in front of the bed, his claws scratching against the floor tiles, making the men wince.

The bald man stood there frozen and scared, but the cloaked men got over their initial shock and went towards the boy. The new vampire lunged at then; clawing, biting, scratching. They couldn't control him, surprisingly, he was too strong, even for a new vampire, strong and smart. He had clawed the face of one of the cloaked men, making him howl and kneel down in pain. Just when he was about to strike the other man, he froze as he eyes landed on the bald man who was no longer standing by the door.

During the entire incident, he had sneaked to where his mother was laying on the bed and dragged her. Now, he was standing with a stake pointing at her heart, ready to drive through it. But it wasn't that which got me uneasy, it was the fact that she wasn't fighting anymore. And then I saw it, her eyes. They had lost their light, completely dull.

My breath got knocked out of my lungs as I realized that she had broken her bond with her mate. She knew she was going to die.

The cloaked man took advantage of the boy's shocked state and injected him with something that made him lose consciousness. His unconscious body was dragged out of the cell and the door was closed. Leaving the bald man with the woman.

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