Chapter 16

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Pulling back from his lips took more efforts than I had expected. Sighing, I stepped back.

" We should go back to the castle, you will catch cold. " I avoided looking at him as I said those words.

Pulling me back, he tilted my chin to make me look at him, " I know you are scared but I know what I am getting into. And I know you feel something for me, this time I am here and I will wait for you to realize that. " With that he placed a feather light kiss on my forehead and pulled back.

Holding my hand, he started walking and I silently followed him, trying to take in all that had happened. He was right, I cared and felt something for him but whatever it was that we had, was doomed and bound to hurt us. It was wrong at so many levels but even if I ignored it, I couldn't ignore the fact that in the end, I was meant to be with someone else and when that happened, Dorian would be left, forgotten. And that would be the cruelest thing to happen to him, so regardless that I showered him kindness and love now, I had doomed him for something much more painful. Something, that would leave deeper scars and wounds than the ones that marred his back, only the wounds inflicted by me would mar his soul and heart.

I couldn't bear the thought of it, I couldn't deny I was attracted to him but I didn't have it in me to break his heart to fulfil my selfish desires. I couldn't. And so it was decided, I would let go of him. He would be sent to the human settlements where he could start a new life, without me in it.

It's for the best.

I told myself as we entered the castle and started towards the guest chambers. I peeked at Dorian who had a small smile playing on his lips and happiness shimmering in his eyes. On reaching the doors to my room, he let go of my hand, coldness contrasting to the warmth that earlier embraced it. He went inside to take a warm bath and change into dry clothes. While I stood there instructing my guards when I heard the footsteps approaching our direction. Turning just in time to see King Byron enter from the corner, I greeted him with a polite smile.

" Is everything okay Princess Laskaris? " He ran his eyes over my tattered dress and soaked frame, " Has there been an attack? "

" No your Majesty, but I am afraid I would have to leave for Fang Peak as soon as the first rays of sun break through the clouds. " I let out a small breath looking at him, " Something important has come up. "

" Well, " Arching a perfect golden brow at me, " I guess, I will see you at the coronation ceremony Princess Laskaris, we can complete the pending dinner then, yes? "

" I must admit, you are quite adamant your Majesty. " I gave him an amused smile.

His cold grey eyes flashed with amused warmth for a moment, " What's a king if not adamant? "

" You mean a Ruler, don't you? " I narrowed my eyes playfully, making him laugh.

His laugh, though a bit cold, held genuine mirth in it. " Yes your Highness, I meant Ruler. "

I gave him a small smile and nodded.

" I look forward to your coronation Princess Laskaris, you would make a great Queen and an adamant Ruler. " Placing a kiss at the back of my hand, he straightened, " The sun will be out soon, I believe you would want to leave right away? " He inquired.

" Yes. " My eyes trailed the turning sky from the hallway window.

" Very well, I shall prepare for your departure. I won't be able to see you off as by then other guests would need my attention. " He said following my gaze, his lips thinning.

" It's fine, your Majesty. We will meet again in two days. " Looking back at him, I politely curtsied and walked to my door.

Pushing it, I paused when he called after me,

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