Chapter 33

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The dinner had gone without any event and thankfully, they had apple pie amongst the many delicacies in the dessert. But the peace that had descended since the arrival of Raph and father was short lived.

Dorian was walking towards me with purposeful strides but stopped short when my father stepped in between with a glare, which, if we come to think of it, was becoming a common expression of his since he came here.

Poor papa

They had an exchange but I couldn't hear whatever they were muttering, it was too low even for my sensitive hearing. Dorian's eyes were shinning with fierceness the entire time their exchange lasted, darting towards me from time to time. With a final nod towards my father, he continued.

Eyes on the prize

But father wasn't the only obstacle in his path. Dorian was once again forced stopped. There five feet from him stood an angry Raph, glaring up at him; hands on his hips. And it wasn't the same as when he was with Carl. No. With Carl he was trying to act scary and angry but with Dorian? Raph was angry and hurt. I could see it, the air around him was upset.

Dorain shifted his attention to my son and stared at him for a bit, probably trying to think of what to do or say. Knowing both of them, I decided to take it outside, away from any possible audience. After signalling him, I carried my reluctant son to the opening within the castle that gave way to the garden, Raph glaring the former human all the while. Once I dropped him on his feet, he was back in his pose. Dorian walked towards him calmly and crouched at his level.

I stood still, ready to intervene any moment if need be to protect my child, emotionally.


It was a whisper, because that's all Raph could muster, all the anger overpowering him. His fangs were visible. He looked very agitated.

"Why?!" He stomped his feet.

My throat constricted as I took in the shaking form of my son who was desperately trying to control his tears from falling.

"Wh-" His voice finally cracked, lower lip wobbling as a big fat tear slid down his left cheek.

In a blur he had covered the distance between himself and Dorian and started hitting his chest. I swallowed as he cries reached me along with the sounds of the blows he landed on Dorian.

"I hwate you." Raph cried as he slumped tiredly, clinging to Dorian's black silk robes which was now wrinkled and getting damp from tears.

The blows did nothing to hurt Dorian off course, but it looked like the crying did. Closing his eyes, he exhaled; stricken. Opening them, he looked down at Raph with utmost softness and warmth. He hugged the crying form of the child and pressed his lips on against his hair.

"I hate myself too." He said softly, caressing my son's back.

The embrace was soothing Raph as he hiccupped and looked up at Dorian with wet eyes, silent tears still flowing down his flushed cheeks. Dorian cradled him gently and pressed his forehead against Raph's.

"But I love you. A lot." His eyes flickered in my direction meaningfully.

And you too, they said.

It wasn't normal for my son to be silent but quite he was. Sniffing occasionally, rubbing his eyes; trying to remove all traces of crying. His gaze on the ground, too shy to look at anyone. Dorian was still carrying him as he started walking without another word.

I had no other choice but to follow him. I couldn't shake the feeling of heaviness from my heart seeing that he hadn't said a word to me, not since......

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