Chapter 17

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The gust of wind blew, rolling the leader's head as it laid on the grass, colouring it crimson. The headless body of the vampire fell limply in front of me. Everyone stood in silence taking in the dead vampire leader and my bloodied form. Only, I wasn't bathed in my own blood, it was his. Looking up, I raised a challenging brow at his companions who were frozen, their eyes trained on the scattered body parts of their leader. Snapping their gaze at me, fearfully, they rushed away.

I swept my eyes over my soldier, satisfied that there were no casualties,

Except one.

Rushing next to unconscious Dorian, I could barely hear his heartbeat.

" He's too wounded, I can't heal him without turning him. " Jeffery furrowed his brows staring at the human.

" We can't turn him. He would rather be dead, but we have to save him, " I muttered, " Chaz! " I called turning to him as he materialized next to us.

" Go and get the best doctor for humans at the castle. We are bringing him there. " Nodding he flashed through the forest, causing some birds to fly off the trees.

" Jeffery, carry him carefully, have some guards accompany you, the remaining soldiers get the horses while I go and get the room and basics ready for him. "

" Yes your Highness. " Jeffery started getting up with Dorian who let out an unconscious groan.

Taking one last look at the surroundings, I smirked as my red eyes fell on the dead leader. Then I was gone, effortlessly running past the trees and bushes in a blur. My thoughts trained on the need to reach castle. My predator was practical, it would do everything to save Dorian but it won't waste time in worrying and mourning over him. And that's what I needed right now. I couldn't let my emotions get in my way, not till he was being treated.

Breaking through the forest next to the castle, I caught the soldiers off guard as the took their positions, ready to put the threat down but stopped when they realized who it was. Their alarm only heightened when they took in my blood soaked clothes, before they could do anything I waved them off.

" It's not my blood. "

I rushed through the castle to my room, surprised to see Ella setting my pillows.

" Yo-Your....Highness? " Her shocked gaze traveled over me, taking in the blood and my predatory form. She was paler than usual, her eyes red from all the crying, losing her grandfather definitely taking a toll on her.

" Get the bed ready, Dorian is wounded and needs to be treated. Then get warm water and new wash clothes and bandages, the doctor will be here shortly. " Closing her mouth, she nodded and got to work.

I went in the bathroom and quickly washed myself, changing in clean clothes as I didn't want to worry father or Raph. I walked out to see Jeffery gently laying Dorian on the bed while Ella started taking off his shoes followed by his shirt. Chaz entered in that moment, followed by a tall and thin, grey haired man with brown eyes. They widened when they fell on Dorian's battered form. He got to work within no time, cleaning his wounds to prevent any infection from spreading followed by stitching them. Frowning at the bite mark on his wrist, he turned back,

" He's lost too much blood. We need to transfuse some of it in his body. "

" Ella take him to pantry where he can see which blood is fit for the transfusion. "

" Any idea about his blood group? " The doctor trailed uncertainly.

" A positive. " I answered looking in his wide eyes. Nodding nervously, he went after Ella.

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