Chapter 10

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I watched the drop of water as it trailed down slowly getting bigger on merging with the other drops on its way. It traced the carvings of the balcony and then vanished into the little opening between the floor and balcony railing. A deafening roar of thunder brought me out of my thoughts, cool wind blew over my face, making me smile. Tucking my hair behind my ears, I sighed happily as the scent of wet soil overpowered my senses. I loved it when it rained. When I was a child, I used to bolt out of the castle door on hearing the first thunder that announced the arrival of the rain. I still do sometimes.

I loved everything about it, the windy weather, the scent of damp soil, the cape of cold it wraps around itself as well as its occasional bouts of lightening and thunder. Raph enjoys playing and running in the rain too, so I take that as an excuse to indulge in my own pleasure even though the entire castle is aware of my love for rain.

I heard the doors open and footsteps coming in my direction. They stopped next to me as I stood on the opening of my sheltered balcony, taking in the grey skies, lighting with purple and white streaks from time to time.

" Princess, you look like you are about to jump off, any moment. " Dorian chuckled lightly.

" Don't tempt me. " I warned him.

" You don't tempt me. " He grinned, turning his head towards me.

I did the same and looked at him. His hair were wet, not falling over his eyes yet, and he was wearing a dark blue shirt paired with black pants.

" What is all this? " He asked cocking his left brow, gesturing at the stuff surrounding Raph who sat in the middle of the balcony, waving at him. Dorian waved back.

" That is our today's task, dear Dorian. " I merrily joined Raph in setting everything up.

" Task. " He echoed grinning up at Dorian with an excited nod.

" So now what? You want me to do what? Draw an apple? " Dorian rolled his eyes.

" Perhaps. " I shrugged with a smile. " Oh come on! " I said exasperatedly when Dorian gave me an uncertain look, " Everyone has an artistic side to them! Writing, poetry, drawing, painting, sketching or maybe carving. You just need to explore! And lucky for you, I have decided to dedicate the whole day for this noble cause. "

" No need to thank me. " I raised my hand, cutting him off when he was about to say something.

" Oh really? How can you expect me to not thank you, for your kindness Princess? " He sassed.

" Shut up and it will do. " I smiled at him sweetly and put up the canvas holder. " There, all set. "

For the next few hours, I helped Raph with his colouring while Dorian tried to think of something to write about and let's just say, it didn't go so well. Piles of crumpled paper laid near his feet as he grumbled and threw another paper ball into the pile, oozing frustration.

" I give up! I can't write to save my life! " Dorian sighed and leaned against the wall, his hair now dried and sticking in different directions due to running his hands through them continuously in these past hours.

" It's fine, how about you try drawing? " I suggested him.

Nodding, he crawled to where Raph and I were sitting and sat next to Raph.

" That is a very pretty bird, prince. Would you teach me how to draw it? " Dorian enquired politely.

" Sure! " Raph beamed and started instructing him. The sight of my baby instructing a full grown man on how to draw a bird was quite amusing.

Concentrating back to the landscape I was colouring, I leaned to grab the grey colour. My hand accidentally brushed against Dorian's who was picking a charcoal pencil. My eyes snapped up, as immediate warmth bloomed through me starting from my hand. Dorian was already staring at me, confusion lining his eyes.

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