Chapter 34

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The following morning, I woke up with only one mantra that I repeated again and again as I got ready.

Don't fall for the charms of your mate. It's not easy but you have to do it. Remember what he has done.

I looked at my reflection confidently. Ella stood behind me, chattering happily about all the castle gossip she had exchanged with other servants while Sofia silently assisted Raph get ready. I was snapped to reality when I realized that the chattering had died down. Looking at the door, I found the reason. I couldn't help but grin as I took in a not so innocent looking Carl, dressed in navy blue robs, holding two bouquets of red roses.

"Good morning lovely ladies." He walked in, "And lovely Prince." He grinned on spotting Raph.

"A bunch of lovely roses for my lovely Pony and," after handing me one bouquet he walked on. I was brimming with excitement, waiting to take in Ella's flushed face when he would hand her the other bouquet. I could see her squirming, same thoughts going through her head. But to both of our surprise, he knelt in front of my son,

"some fresh blossoms for the refreshing Prince."

Raph took the bouquet eagerly and sighed after sniffing the flowers. "These are lovwely!"

"And fresh." Carl added, "Just plucked out of the royal garden." He said secretively.

"So, should I expect an angry gardener rattling my door?"

"Don't be surprised if he did." He said with such seriousness that I couldn't help but laugh.

"But.." All eyes drew towards Raph who now looked at the bouquet in his hand, troubled.

"What's wrong darling?"

"Aren't girls the only ones who get flowels?" The lines on his forehead deepened.

"And the dead." Carl snickered. "Oof!" He rubbed the sore spot where I had elbowed him. We both glared at each other momentarily and focused back at my confused son.

"It's not compulsory my dear. Anyone can give flowers and anyone can receive them. It's the intension that matters."

Raph formed an O and then started walking to the door. When I stopped him to ask where he was going, he said,

"To the gardwen. To gather flowels for Glanpa."

With that he left, escorted by Chaz.

Carl brought his attention back to a surprised looking Ella and walked to her. Seeing it, Sofia made a clever escape by excusing herself, leaving Ella alarmed. But she couldn't run this time for Carl had her cornered.

"And this for you." Carl's hand disappeared in his robes and pulled out a single sticked red rose. Taking it carefully, Ella marvelled wide-eyed.

"I removed all the thorns myself." Carl added a bit nervously but hid it with a smile. "Hope you liked it." Going on with his ritual of kissing her hands, he whispered, "Until next time miss beautiful."

"Why do you keep calling me that?" She asked shyly.

"Keep calling you what?" 

"Miss beautiful." She hid her face behind her curls.

"Well," Carl looked at her surprised, "for starters you are beautiful," Ella tucked one side of hair behind her cheek. I could feel the heat radiating from her face all the way to where I was standing.

"And I don't know your name." Carl finished rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Oh" now she was a full tomato, equally embarrassed and started hurrying to the door. One last shy glance at him,

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