Chapter 22

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Raph had let out a loud squeal on entering the throne room and seeing me sitting on it with the crown on my head, turning heads of the guests present there. Running, he quickly climbed the stairs leading to the throne and jumped in my lap with a big grin, the shin had returned in his eyes.

Kissing is head, I happily spent the remaining time, greeting the guests with my son babbling with me from time to time. His presence gave me comfort, reducing the ache in my chest. After the celebrations were over, I was supposed to get my portrait as the new Ruler, done. Once, the guests had left, the painter came and started painting me with Raph contently sitting in my lap.

" Your Majesty, " The painter looked at me, stepping away from the canvas, " I need you to turn your eyes back to normal to be able to paint your face. "

I looked at him grimly, making him shift uncomfortably but nodded. My predator went back inside me, giving way to my sapphire eyes. I stiffened, holding my breath as the pain intensified, making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else. Gulping discreetly, I concentrate on the scent coming from Raph, his heartbeat and his little fingers that were playing with the chains of my button. I drew him closer with my right hand, clenching the arm of the throne tightly with my left one. Drawing a breath, I looked forward towards the painter, who was working furiously.

After an excruciatingly long time, the portrait was complete and looked like an exact replica of me. It was taken to the gallery where the rest of the royal portraits were hung, and left to dry off. Meanwhile, I somehow managed to drag myself to my room and put Raph to bed, wincing once in a while when the pain became too unbearable. Thankfully, Raph was too doused to notice it, otherwise, I would have had a hard time explaining him.

I was supposed to be sleeping in the Queen's chamber now, but I refused because it was too much for me and too sudden. I stared at myself with pain filled eyes and placed the crown on the dressing table. I changed into my sleeping gown, not taking off the headband as now, my head could not be left bare, just like a bride couldn't let her ring finger be empty.

I bent, clutching my chest as intolerable pain burned through my heart, making tears fall from my eyes. Whimpering softly, I curled into a ball, rocking back and forth on the carpet. Waiting for the end, though, I wasn't sure if it was the pain I was waiting to end or for the pain to end me.

Throughout the night, I slipped in and out of consciousness, unaware of my surroundings. I stirred awake to see Raph snuggling next to me on the carpet. He was like piece of iron and I was his magnet. No matter what, he would always find ways to snuggle into me, I thought with a smile. I swept off the sweat coating my forehead and lifted him to the bed.

Miraculously, I had survived the night and the pain was now bearable, a dull reminder of what had happened and what might happen again. Ella came and helped me wash off the sweaty stench. I dressed in a royal blue velvet gown with a platinum head band, having a large tear drop blue crystal in the centre.

Just as I was finished feeding my son, the doors to my room were knocked and opened. High King Terrance walked in, clad in his royal black attire.

" How is the new Queen doing? " He asked, placing his hand on my bowed head, signalling me to rise.

" Nervous. " I bit the inside of my cheek.

" You should be. " He said with a smile as he ran his eyes along the room, stopping at the portrait, " You will make him proud. "

I looked along his gaze and whispered, " I hope to. "

Raph was merrily humming in the balcony but paused when he saw the High King. With big honey eyes, he walked towards him, awed and did a small bow, " Your Majwestie. "

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