|| Chapter Nineteen ||

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|| Chapter Nineteen ||

He didn't kiss me back.

It was the first thing I noticed, the first thing that hit me straight like a truck on a highway. Beneath my fingertips, his body was tense, frozen to the spot. I shut my eyes tightly not wanting to see his reaction to my impetuous actions and I mentally cursed myself for, once again, placing myself in those awkward and ridiculous situations.

I didn't know what I expected. Maybe it was for him to immediately pull me closer and deepen the kiss. I even expected him to push me away but, whatever the reasons were, he didn't.

What have I done?

It was a disaster just thinking of what my stupidity could lead to.

Just as I was about to pull away and face the consequences of my actions, Daniel's fingers knotted themselves through my hair and pulled my face closer.

I gasped as his lips captured my own in one swift movement. My mind went to a complete blank, all thoughts seeming to have drained out as I registered his soft lips dominating my own. They were warm and soft, a complete contrast to his character and I felt myself melt from the heat they were emitting.

He kissed me slowly, passionately like he was trying to savor every part of my lips and I felt like I was about to burst from how good he felt against me. My hands were uselessly hanging by my sides so I tangled them around his neck, involuntarily pulling him closer.

My fingers found their way to his hair and I carefully pulled lightly at a few stands that got tangled, feeling the silky strands against my fingertips. Gently, I felt Daniel bite my lower lip which only made me pull forcefully on his hair from surprise. This ended up causing Daniel to let out a low groan that I felt vibrate through my whole body. His hands moved from my cheeks down to my shoulders and, without any warning, he pushed me harder against the tree bark so that no space between us was found.

His fingertips grazed the bare skin of my shoulders that weren't covered by my tank top and I felt goosebumps erupt everywhere from his simple action.

Feeling like I was about to die from no oxygen being provided, I pulled back slowly. Daniel, on the other hand, started kissing the side of my mouth and moved downwards till he reached my jaw line. His hands moved to my waist, teasing the skin at the bottom of my tank top with his fingers. My heart beat that was already moving at a thousand beats per second seemed to accelerate further as I felt his soft lips against the skin of my neck.

My eyes stayed closed as I relished in the feeling Daniel was creating. I've never ever been kissed like this before and it was probably the best feeling in the world.

One of his hands left my waist and returned to my hair, pulling at it lightly and giving him further access to my neck. A soft moan left my lips as Daniel gently bit at the skin just below my earlobe.

"Dan," I murmured, my mind reeling. His kisses were driving me crazy.

His hand tightened around my waist. "Fuck," he said against my neck driving warm breath against my skin. "Say that again."

Before I could even comprehend what he meant, his mouth had found mine again. However, this time he was rougher, unyielding. My arms, which were around his neck, were pulled back by him and secured above my head. I felt absolutely powerless in this position but I didn't mind one bit.

I couldn't help but think that maybe taking risks had its perks.

As quickly as that thought came to my mind, Daniel pulled back so quickly that I thought he was on fire. My eyes snapped open to stare into his which were wide with something I couldn't quite decipher. I was surprised to see that his eyes were so dark; the green in them could barely be seen. He removed his grasp on my arms and they fell aimlessly by my side.

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