|| Chapter Ten ||

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|| Chapter Ten ||

I stood frozen to the spot unable to comprehend the person that was staring back at me. At first, I thought it might be my imagination. I was missing him so much to the point that I was imagining him standing there. Thing was, my imagination didn’t look this real, which meant he was actually there in flesh and bones.

“Hey,” he greeted. Yep, definitely not my imagination!

My thoughts were jumbled up in my brain and I couldn’t obtain a proper reply back. I just stood there, mouth wide open and eyes broad as saucers.

He raised an eyebrow wondering what I was doing. I must have looked like a retarded fish with the way I was staring at him like he was the only being left on earth. It wasn’t my fault though, I mean, how would someone react when they’re in a situation like this?

“Can I come in?” He asked scratching the back of his neck gently while searching my face for any kind of response. He wanted to come in, right, he wanted to come in my bedroom and we were going to be alone. That, triggered many alarms in my head as to how many things were wrong with what I was about to do, but everyone knew I always seemed to follow my stupid side and my stupid side was advising me to invite him in.

I opened the window wider and looked around for anyone who was watching, which also made me wonder how he was able to enter our territory without anyone noticing.

“H-how are you going to come…” He took two steps back, jumped onto my window sill and immaculately stepped foot into my room before I was even able to finish my question, “…in?”

“Shut the window,” he ordered. I obliged by closing it then pulling the curtains over it. Gulping nervously, I turned back to face him. I still couldn’t acquire the fact that Daniel Collins, the Wolf everyone feared, was in my bedroom, with me, alone.

He walked around, feeling the mattress of my bed, the posters of the artists on my wall and the desk where all my unfinished homework were scattered everywhere. He picked up my History book and flipped through it. “I hate History,” he whispered. It seemed like he was talking to himself as he never stared at me while speaking, “It only seems to remind you of the past.” He threw the book back and walked over to my bedroom door.

He seemed tense. “Is that door locked?”

It took me a while to acknowledge that he was directing his question to me. Rapidly, I shook my head in answer.

“Lock it.”

Part of me was angry that he was ordering me around in my own room; on the other hand, I didn’t want to get him angry, especially when there was no escape for me or my family. So, I brought the key from my draw and locked the door.

Turning to face him, I saw that he was studying my room again.

Moisturising my lips with my tongue, I asked him the question that’s been on my mind since I saw him outside my window. “Why are you here?”

He stared at me for a miniature amount of seconds then sighed. “I just wanted to say sorry.”

For the second time today, he was able to completely catch me off guard. He was apologising...to me. Daniel Collins was apologising to me!

“I realised I was being a dickhead last time, more than usual, so I just...wanted to say sorry. Hurting your parents wasn’t the greatest idea either but I didn’t know they belonged to you.” I gritted my teeth. He was being so sweet at this moment. It brought back the time where he had saved me and helped clean my wounds. He was being so sweet then...just like he was now. Thing was, he hurt my dad. Sorry wasn’t going to just erase the memory of that.

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