|| Chapter Seven ||

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|| Chapter Seven ||

“Alpha Trent, everything is set and we’re ready to go,” Michael McCrae, the Beta of the pack, announced. Trent had arranged a meeting with Alpha John who was the Alpha of Greenland. It was quite unusual how he had asked me to tag along but I didn’t mind, at least he was trying to change his overprotective ways. Although, he had asked James to come as well so it kind of put me off.

“Good,” he replied with his Alpha tone. “We wouldn’t want to be late. John is one of the most respected Alphas around this area so I don’t want any of you to show inappropriate behaviour.” Somehow, I had a feeling he was directing it towards me; nevertheless, I nodded my head to his orders.

For the past two weeks, Trent had been going to meetings rather excessively. I had no idea what he needed to discuss so badly but it must have been something important and Alpha related. Curiosity was eating me from the inside to know what was going on except I kept my mouth shut as to not look like a nosy little girl in front of the pack members.

The walk to Greenland wasn’t that long as it was a neighbouring pack, which I was glad for because James couldn’t keep his arms to himself. Even Trent gave him a curious look but didn’t do anything to tell him off. His arm had healed miraculously compared to what it looked like yesterday. It still had one or two scratches but nothing that won’t disappear over time.

Soon, I found myself standing in front of a huge guy who I assumed was the Alpha of Greenland. He was average looking with dark hair and a strong, muscled face. He looked young, about my brother’s age or even younger. He stood tall and proud watching us as we entered his territory. “Welcome.” His voice boomed around us. Two other men came and stood on either side of him. They must be the Beta and Third in Command, I thought.

Trent nodded his head respectfully at them as Greenland pack members started gathering around. They took one look at us then started whispering secretly to each other. It was pretty obvious they were talking about us.

Alpha John went up to Trent and shook his hand. They started to talk to each other about something while I awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do.

“He looks strict,” a hot breath whispered in my ear. I whipped my head to face a smirking James who was staring intently at me. I gave him a warning look; did he forget that Alphas have improved hearing than any other kind of Wolf? Alpha John could have easily heard him and if he did, he thankfully chose to ignore it.

“Do you realise they’re staring at you,” he told me looking around at the pack members. I followed the crowd with my eyes to see that they, indeed, were staring at me like I was an alien who had just landed on earth. What’s worse was that they stared then whispered. Using my Wolf hearing, I tried to catch any kind of conversation around me.

“How did she do it?”

“She hypnotised him that’s what happened.”

“So brave...”

“So naive...”

I frowned at what I heard. What were they talking about? What was I so brave and naive for? I agreed to come here with Trent so I could get away from the drama that’s my life. I didn’t agree to come here to be insulted about something I had no idea about. I hadn’t even realised that I had completely zoned out until James started shaking me.

“Oi, snap out of it,” he said shaking my shoulders rapidly. I snapped out of my thoughts and pushed him away.

“What?” I replied, annoyed.

He gave me an amused look and then nodded towards Trent and Alpha John. I looked towards them to see that both were giving me a strange look. Actually, it was only John while Trent just looked annoyed like always. He motioned for me to come forward and I obliged followed by Michael and Greg, our Beta and Third in Command. James stood at the back not making any effort of moving.

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