|| Chapter Twelve ||

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|| Chapter Twelve ||

“Where are we going?” I asked as Daniel pulled me further into the woods. He didn’t answer me and just kept walking while pulling me behind him. I didn’t bother questioning him again because I knew he would totally ignore me like he always did.

I just returned to my inner thoughts while I followed Daniel. I felt guilty for leaving James without an explanation but, at the time, he was making me so angry that I just lost control and left. It was a heartless action to do to someone but hopefully he’ll accept my apology that I will give to him when I return and not mention anything to Trent – if he hasn’t already.

Daniel was still holding my arm, which had many different effects over my whole body. I never knew someone could make you experience so many emotions by a simple touch. It made me wonder what would happen if we did more.

After a while of us delving deeper into the mist of the night, Daniel let go of my arm and took a deep breath turning to face me. I bit my lip while I studied my surroundings. It was dark and reminded me of a haunted place that came out of the movies. It would be a place they would use for murder and deaths of the actors.

“Why are we here?” I felt the need to whisper as to not disturb the silence that surrounded us.

He looked around as if confused by my question, “To train.”

I shook my head. “No, I mean, why here? This place is…creepy.”

“No one can see us here.” He concluded and I got a shiver by what his answer suggested. No one can see us here, we were completely alone and that thought, on its own, scared me.

There was a tree trunk on the ground that looked like it had fallen ages ago. Daniel went over and took a seat on it. He looked so calm and collected, unlike me who was ready to faint any second now. He stared at me from where he was sitting, correct me if I’m wrong, but it looked like his eyes brightened in the dark, the green in them seemed to sparkle like the stars in the dark sky.

“Hi,” he said randomly.

Honestly, I was shocked to say the least. This guy was as confusing as . I smiled while I replied with a ‘hi’ of my own. I waited for him to say something back but he never did. He just stayed there staring at the ground.

“Daniel…Are you – you gonna start?” I asked while a small blush had taken over my cheeks. I felt embarrassed to be standing here while I stared over at my mate who, possibly, hates me.

He seemed to snap out of his little trance and focus his eyes back onto mine, “Yeah. Come here.” He ordered. I obliged by taking a few steps towards him. I wanted to close the distance, I wanted to run into his arms – heck, I wanted to do a lot of things but I resisted every urge in my body and stayed where I was.

“You want to learn how to fight, don’t you?” He asked. I nodded waiting for him to continue. “First, you need to learn to control yourself.”

I frowned at that. What did he mean control? I already have control, everyone has control. “But, I already have control,” I complained.

He rolled his eyes, “Actually, no you don’t. No one has and that’s where all of you go wrong. That’s a werewolf’s weakness. We have no control.” He explained and the more he told me the better I understood where he was coming from. “What does your brother do when he gets angry?”

I contemplated for a while. Last time he was seriously angry was when he heard about our parents’ incident. “He took a run through the woods,” I remembered how he told me to stay with James until he returned. I knew he was letting out some steam from what happened so I didn’t disobey him or argue that day.

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