|| Chapter Twenty-Two ||

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|| Chapter Twenty –Two ||

“He is so mean. I will go and hit him like you said.” Diana moved her eyes to the door where a very angered Daniel had slammed it shut behind him, startling both of us.

I gave her a small smile, mostly to express my immense gratitude but also to try and convince myself that I wasn’t genuinely affected by Daniel’s words.

They hurt though, they hurt so fucking much.

Quietly, she sauntered towards the door. Her small fingers stretched out, aiming for the knob and gently twisted the wooden access open. I watched her give me a grin then disappear behind the staircase. God, I loved this girl. I felt like she was the only one out of the whole world who supported my relationship with Daniel – or whatever this was. Daniel acted like he didn’t want anything to do with me and I was starting to doubt if this was ever going to work.

Because it’s never going to happen.

It sounded so harsh and insensitive that it wouldn’t stop plaguing my mind. He was my mate. Mates didn’t say things like that to each other, ever. Well, that’s what I was brought up to think anyway.

I guess I just needed to learn that this wasn’t some Disney movie where your prince charming will come to rescue you while riding on his horse. I wasn’t Snow White and I wasn’t Sleeping Beauty.

I was Rose – a completely destroyed Rose.

 It wasn’t the idea that he didn’t want to get married to me that was bothering my head. No, werewolves rarely got married as the mate bond appealed to them as a bond naturally created without the input of man. What was bothering me was how he said it, like he wasn’t referring to marriage but us in general. I was becoming exhausted trying to solve this difficult puzzle by the name of Daniel Collins.

You need to stop over thinking things. 

Shut up, I mentally told my inner voice.

Maybe he has his reasons?

Yeah, he doesn’t want me.

But he didn’t reject you.

Get out of my head.

When my inner voice ejected further questions to my mind, I felt the need to bang my head across a wall. I needed to stop bringing pain to myself. This was my fault as much as it was his. He doesn’t want me but I’m still here, why?

The idea of rejection had never crossed my mind before but now it was like a cure for all the pain I was experiencing. I needed it. If Daniel wasn’t going to initiate it then I would. I knew that these thoughts were the worst thing that ever crossed my mind since forever. Rejection was like an untouched subject at the back of my mind that I never considered as I believed that I would have a mate that I would never have to leave.

Tears threatened to spill but I held them in. Rose, don’t cry. Don’t go back to the old you, don’t


A few droplets littered my cheeks and I blinked, cleansing my eyes from all of them before I exploded into a river. However, I was never good at following instructions, my own included, so my eyes disobeyed me and further tears escaped.

God, I’m pathetic.


My head snapped up to face a concerned Diana. Shit, when did she arrive?

“Are you alright?”

My hands quickly reached up to wipe my cheeks and I gave her a small smile. Standing up, I stared at the small girl watching me carefully. “Yeah,” I sighed. “I’m fine.”

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