|| Chapter Twenty-Seven ||

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|| Chapter Twenty-Seven ||

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

I knew something was wrong the moment my feet crossed the borders of my territory. I surveyed the area, noticing that no one was visible. The kids that usually played outside where nowhere to be seen and the shops that were usually open at a time like this, buzzing with activity were also closed, many of them having the bold red sign on their doors.

Where was everyone?

I made my way towards Trent's office, hoping that I could get some answers but stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed a familiar figure exiting from my house.


When she recognised me, she hurried towards me, running with a small smile on her face.

My eyebrows knitted together with confusion as I went to meet her in the middle of the empty road in front of my house. "Angel, what in the world is going on?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes, the smile never leaving her lips. "Where were you?" She ignored my question.

"What?" I asked, confusion lacing my tone.

She sighed. "Where were you? You weren't in your room."

Oh, shit. No one knew that I went to meet Daniel and, as usual, I thought no one would come upstairs and check up on me since, for the past few months, all I've done is stayed in my room. My parents barely went upstairs, deciding to leave me to my own devices and I never expected anyone else to come disturb it...especially Angel.

"I-" I stopped when a thought crossed my mind. "Wait, why were you in my room?"

She rolled her eyes. "Trent told me to check up on you. So I did. You weren't there." Her eyes left mine to look around, pretending to be bored with the conversation. "Rose, you don't have to lie to me. I think I know everything now."

My heart skipped a beat but I quickly managed to control myself before I started to overthink. How would she know? The worst thing she could come up with would never be worse than the truth!

Deciding that continuing this specific conversation would only lead to my doom, I changed the subject. "Where's Trent?"

She sighed again, but this time, it sounded heavier. "If you were here you would know."

Fuck. She was getting on my nerves. I've had a few conversations with Angel ever since she joined our pack as Trent's mate but I've never found her this annoying before. In fact, I don't remember the last time she was acting like this. Was it because Trent wasn't here? Is she one of those people who change under authority?

"Angel, for fucks sake, can you just tell me?" I was becoming agitated. Fuck her for ruining my very good mood.

"Follow me then."

She didn't even bother giving me a chance to reply as she began to walk off in the direction of Trent's office. I frowned but, with one final look to my house, I followed her.


"What the fuck is going on?"

Not only was Trent's office empty, the entire building was, as if someone had pulled the fire alarm and had everyone evacuated. The halls, normally known for the chatty bodyguards and needy civilians that entered and exited were now nothing but silent. Only our footsteps made any sound as we walked further.

"Trent's following along with his plan. He said he was going to attack Daniel Collins," She stopped for a second, watching me react to what she was about to say, "and he went to do just that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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