|| Chapter Two ||

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|| Chapter Two ||

“I totally forgot about this.” Kayla said ripping a leaflet off the wall and scanning it. “It’s the Winter Ball in three weeks!”

“Oh joy,” I murmured sarcastically. I hated that day with a passion. If you didn’t have a mate then you shouldn’t even consider going because you’ll just be sitting there lonely and definitely the odd one out.  

“Rose? How could you not be excited?” She asked. "Oh my God, have you realised that this will be my first dance with Nick?" 

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Just because she has Nick doesn’t mean she has to drag me in it as well. “I would rather stay home and watch a movie than go to this...this dance.”

“No, no, no, you are not doing what you did last year young lady,” she huffed walking up to her locker and started packing her books in her bag. “You better come or else I’m not going to talk to you.” I knew she was joking by the small smile she had on her lips. Kayla cannot be serious if her life depended on it.

Nick was her mate. He was sweet, adorable and just someone who Kayla deserved as a mate. They found each other two days after Kayla had turned sixteen and shifted for the first time. It was quite sweet actually the way they behaved around each other that it made me want to cringe.

“I’m not going,” I cried giving her the most persistent look I could muster. “Maybe, when I find my mate, I could change my mind and go.”

That, all together, was one big lie. One: I already found my mate. Two: Daniel would never take me to something like this. Three: My mate was a murderer.

Since the day I found out Daniel Collins was my destined mate, he was the only thing taking over my mind. Sometimes all I wanted to do was bang my head against anything hard that would maybe knock some sense into me. It was hard imagining Daniel in a relationship as it is, holding a girl's hand or giving her a kiss without my mind returning to his monstrous side. Let alone doing all those things with me.

A mental image of Daniel and I flashed across my mind and I couldn’t help but shake my head at how unrealistic it seemed.

“Rose snap out of it!” Someone was shaking me. I cleared my head from any thoughts about my mate and focused.

“Huh, yeah,” I said as flustered as ever. What happened?

“How many times are you going to keep doing this?” Kayla asked crossing her arms over her chest. Great, she was angry. That’s what I needed, another person to be angry at me for something that wasn’t my fault.

“Doing what?” I replied confused by what she meant. Did I do something wrong?

She rolled her eyes as if she expected my answer. “Zoning out, for the past two weeks that’s all you’ve been doing and, to be honest, it’s getting on my nerves.”   


“What is it? What are you thinking of that you can’t listen to me for two minutes to think about?”

Daniel Collins.

“Nothing you don’t need to worry about it. I was just thinking about, um, how Trent is keeping up with everything.” Mentally, I congratulated myself for coming up with that lie in a small span of time. However, now that I think about it, it wasn’t really a full on lie. Trent had been really busy with rebuilding the entire village after the attack two weeks ago that he hardly had any sleep. He would come home really late then leave really early the next day. I wondered how he coped.   

Kayla slapped my back in a friendly manner. “You worry too much you know?”

“I guess...”

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