|| Chapter Twenty-Six ||

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|| Chapter Twenty-Six ||

"You-" I started but quickly stopped when I found myself unable to continue. I was lost for words, confused. I just continued to stare, hoping for any explanation, anything that would make my brain try to understand what he just uttered.

In my defence, what was I supposed to do after someone had revealed information like that? Do I comfort them? Become disgusted? The idea itself hadn't even completely registered in my mind yet. He killed his own family? It sounded foreign, it sounded weird and it was certainly something I thought I would never hear out of someone's mouth. This type of stuff is what you hear on the news. This type of stuff only happens on the news.

Something deep down told me he wasn't joking and that was when fear started to invade my brain. I felt my muscles tense and my fingers interlock, as if that was going to provide any protection against my mate's actions. That is, if he decided today would be my last day.

His eyes then looked around until they met with mine once again. They were dark with an emotion I couldn't quite interpret. He seemed to be waiting for me to start talking, to react to what he just said but all I did was continue to observe him. I was honestly disturbed. No, disturbed was an understatement.

"Say something," He mumbled, looking down.

"I-I don't know what to say." It was my honest answer. I had nothing to say. My comforting thoughts that appeared in my brain when Daniel started insulting himself were completely gone, vanished. I wanted to say it wasn't his fault...but it was. He said it himself. What the hell do I say to that?

He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. I noticed that his claws had disappeared but his hands were tightly wrapped in a strong fist. "I wasn't supposed to live this long."


Again, it was like my mouth was frozen, unable to utter another word. He didn't seem to expect a reply though and continued.

"My doctor said that I wouldn't make it past three." He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. "And if I did then I should be killed."


What was this guy talking about? My confusion most of been very evident on my face as Daniel shook his head then motioned with his hand at the space next to him on the rock, indicating that I sit there.

I hesitated. Should I? I mean, to be honest with you, deep down I wanted to ignore everything he had just said. I wanted to just be close to him, to my mate. That's all I ever wanted, really. But being close to him has started to scare me. Despite the fact that I could not hate him, despite the fact that he still owns a bit of my heart, I was scared. So, so scared.

Was this the day I die?

However, contrary to all the thoughts in my head, I found my feet leading me to the empty space next to him, where I plopped myself down.

Daniel frowned, noticing the distance between us. Yes, I had taken it upon myself to sit as far as the rock would allow it. As much as I wanted to be near him, I couldn't. My hands were shaking and my breath was coming out in a staggered manner. I was completely terrified.

"I...I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was soft. Too soft. It was almost unrecognisable to the cold one I was so used to. I felt my heart break but I didn't know the reason.

I nodded as a response. Maybe it was me trying to convince myself rather than him that I trusted him. Maybe. I did trust him. If I didn't I would have never followed him to the middle of nowhere, I would have never allowed myself to be alone with him.

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