Chapter 21: Brawling Problems

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Y/n's PoV:

One of my pet peeves is rising up early in the morning... and unfortunately, it happened today.

I was awaken by the loud knocking— more like, banging from outside the door.

Jesus. What's wrong with this people?

"Damn it."I muttered.

I groggily walked up to mine and Griff's shared bathroom so I can do my morning routine— consisted of washing my face, tying my hair on a bun and then brushing my teeth. All in all, I still look like a mashed potato.

My feet dragged me towards the door, turning the knob gently as I could when suddenly the person outside pushed the door, hard, without any hesitations.

I glared at Anthony who's smiling ear-to-ear while slurping his take-out drink. Is he even aware that it's too early for such drinks?

"Good morning—"

"Thanks God, you're up! We should go downstairs now. Someone's literally getting their balls crunched at the moment."he excitedly exclaimed before dragging me to the corridors.

We'll, that's adorable.

Once we reached the staircase, we saw three figures standing beneath us, looking approachable as they could. They look like they're just busy talking.

Wait— holy sht.

Anthony and I jumped from our current spot, both our eyes getting wider than ever once we saw the ordeal up close. Quinton swinged his arm to Jaden but Jaden quickly hopped himself away so Kio was the one who got hit on the face instead.


The chinese vase near the mirror shattered into million of pieces. I swear I heard someone shrieked so freaking loud, they almost lost their vocal chords but I'm not sure which of them though.

What even in the actual mother of golden goose is happening here?!?

I was wishing for a normal day, no drama included nor problems to occur... but then, here we are.

"The fvck is your problem, dude!?"Jaden spits out, pushing Quinton roughly making him fall to ground.

Quinton didn't said anything, Jaden huffed in annoyance. An accidental gasped escaped my lips, so now... the unlikely attention is on me.


The previously three vexed people soften into another once they turned to me. Jaden and Quinton immediately looked away, shame radiating off of them. It was only Kio who didn't try to let his warm eyes moved away from me.

"This guy thinks he's the sht."Jaden pointed Q, "Dude, here's a fact. You don't own her! Y/n's a human, not your accessory."he emphasized as he angrily stomped his feet on the ground.

My eyes slowly dragged its way to Quinton who didn't try to meet my gaze. Did... did he really said that to them?

Kio brushed the blood gashing from his lips, "Tell him to fvck off."

No. I don't like this. I don't like it when people are fighting. This type of things  gives me a major headache, and also why even as early as this in the morning?

Surprisingly, someone suddenly wrapped their arms to my shoulder. I snapped my head to the particular direction to see Bryce appearing out of nowhere, looking so fresh and smelling so good... he looks like he already slept well for once. Wow. I wanna know what was his inspiration today because to be completely honest, no one's ever getting a good sleep on this place.

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