Chapter 1: Nick

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(Author's note: For the new members of the community of Wattpad 'y/n' stand for 'your name', that's all.)

You squinted your eyes from the L.A. sun heating my face, before running while dragging my luggage bag towards underneath the nearest palm tree so at least it covers me with its shade.

People would call it a golden hour, and like taking pictures of themselves then posting them on Instagram and captioning it with 'aesthetic', and you're probably one of those people who does that too. But right now, you're currently not in the mood for this, because first; you're waiting for someone, and second; the sun is hot as fuck in a really bad way, you can cook a steak right here and there.

So, here's what happened. Nick Bean is a friend of your third cousin's step-sister's boyfriend. Yeah, complicated you know. Nick and you meet on social media when he slides to your dm's and starts talking about how cool your editing is.

You were weirded out, to be freaking honest, because you don't really know who he is and you're really not that famous on social media. Some may only know you because you're a video editor on your University, and all that. Basically, all you have to do is manipulate and or edit film pieces, and review shooting script and raw material to create a shot list based on the scene's continuation, and that's it.

Then, he messaged you. Saying that you're related somehow, and also saying that he saw the film that you edited when he goes to (name of your university) to talk to someone but accidentally watch your film instead. Well, that's the best accident that ever happened to your life.

Things escalated quickly. Nick called you on FT (Face Time) and he talked about an idea of giving you a job... and that you also have to live there because it's like an hour away. You feel like he's just a little lazy on that part, lol ,so you accepted the job for perhaps, your can add it on your resumes when you're done with college.

So, here you are right now, waiting for a guy named Nick Bean. you're kinda freaked out right now because what if... what if he's a creep that lures ladies like you? What if he's an FBI agent and he knows you're stealing overlays from internet? Or, what if it's not an editing job? What if it's strip club job? What if?!?!?!?! (The last one sounds convenient wahahha)

*beep* *beep*

You turned your head from where the sounds came from just to see a heavily-tinted gray car so, you waited for Nick to get out of his car if it's really him. But the guy just honked his horns on you making your eyebrows raised, before actually contemplating if you should get in or what.

*beep* *beep*

He rolled his windows down so, you took a peek, seeing a brown-headed dude; Nick.

He smiled, "What are you waiting for? Y/n, get in!"

You grinned back before opening the backdoor seat. Damn, this car has the comfiest leather seats you've ever sit on. You're not saying this just because someone gave you a job (kinda), you're saying this because you're for real honest.

Nick coughs, stealing your attention, "So, y/n tell me about yourself?"

You hummed at his question while looking at the busy streets you're passing through. You look at him in the mirror before shrugging.

"I edit...?" you answered in a matter-of-factly tone.

It was understandable because that's the only hobby of yours that is really significant, the other aspects sucks. When you cooked, you end up messing the whole recipe. When you skate, you end up falling trying to do the ollie. All in all, you're good at something but not in everything.

Nick swerved to another lane so it's least traffic then, he stops because of the red light.

"No, I mean like—" you weren't really listening to him, so he snapped his fingers right to your face.

You looked up at him, annoyed, before smiling slowly because of the possible idea that he might cancel your job if you keep on acting like a brat.

He was looking at you, and back at the red light that is now green before driving again.

"Y/n, I know that you edit and do videography but let's stay away from that for now... let's just talk about other stuff about you. Is that okay?" from that whole speech, he was doing hand signals while talking.

You nodded your head in agreement on exchanging facts about yourselves; mainly just you, talking how great you are as a human being.

"Is this your first time moving in? To a strangers house?" he asked nonchalantly so you showed a thumbs-up.

"Yeah. For my entire life, I was staying in an apartment with my parents. So when I broke the news to them that I'm leaving, they were so glad like they wanted to jump in happiness." you snorted at the thought of them.

But even if they're like that, you'll miss them so bad. You'll miss your dad, your mum and your bed.

Nick was smiling the whole time with your story. When it was his turn, he told you how hard it is for him to adjust but the time will come then everything is back to normal for him. You supposed that would make you feel a lot better.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he questioned while he turns to a curve.

Your eyebrows raised after hearing his question. You looked at him to the rear-view mirror, and wasn't surprised that he's looking at you too. Is he trying to ask you out? Huh.

He raised his right arm in defeat. "I'm just asking, no need to look at me like that. Jeez." he awkwardly laughed. Oops, turns out you were just overreacting again.

You stared at the window beside you before saying something, "I don't wanted to be on a relationship right now." you massaged your head while you expressed how single as a pringle you are.

Swear to God, the car turned a little of quite than what you expected. It seems like you answered it wrong but you said what you said.

"Besides, I was always busy when I was at Uni. I had to admit that it's sad not having a boyfriend while everyone around you have one... but you see, I'm a strong woman. I have me, and everybody was jello." you stated a much considerate answer that you guess he'll accept. He just nodded in a way like he was agreeing on all your phrases as if you're some kind of a Pastor, like all he has to do was just say 'Preach'.

You and Nick just chit-chat like high school girls talking about how life is, how great L.A. is, and you also talked about boys.

After an hour of driving and talking nonsense thing, you entered a subdivision and pulled up on a driveway

"Whoa." you swore to God above, your mouth was hanging open. That's a big mf house! Who even lives here?? Does Nick lives here alone?

"I know right."

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