Chapter Nine.

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~Somi's POV~


Sarima just alighted and all the air escaped with her. I caught what little I could and held it up in my chest, it was not even enough to say bye to her.

Our eyes met again for the hundredth time that morning, at our regular spot, the rear-view mirror. This time we both chuckled. Neither of us was sure what was funny, whether the tension of unspoken words or the tingling of caged butterflies I was sure I had. There were only two things that could happen. It was either we had a future, or he would become a past. Both of which were not terrible directions for things to lean towards. I could quickly kill the butterflies if things went south. Not the other south.

The thought of the other south had me blushing like a goat.

Get a grip Chisom!

"Hi." He adjusted in his seat, a small smile plastered on his handsome face.

I know he is rich but that's not what stands out the most. I have met other rich guys. Adams is just different. Plus, which Muslim man bears Adams when there's Abdullahi and others?

"Hi," I replied with a half wave, my heart beating fast.

"You have a very charming aura," he said matter-of-factly. The confidence with which he delivered the compliment was more stunning than his smile which he had refused to let go of.

"Thank you." I replied, trying my hardest not to fawn over.

If those pheromones are real, this whole car must be covered by now because mine are probably leaking and dripping from every pore in my body.

"What?" he asked, the smile almost seems microbladed at this point, "I'm not flattering you, you know."

My hand finds my hair and my fingers begin to fiddle with the braids.

"Even if you wanted to, you can't flatter someone to save your life."

"Why do you think so?" he asked.

"You have a very honest aura?"

"Ah. Nice one. I see what you did there." His words were joined by a soft chuckle.

God, I see what you did with his teeth. Damn you really have favourites.

"I didn't do anything, I'm just being honest." I said placing emphasis on honest. The pun worked as intended because the chuckle grew into full blown laughter.

Is it too early to love it when he laughs?

I looked ahead and we were about five minutes from my faculty.

"So what do you do when you're not being Amira's brother?"

"Well," he said, massaging his bearded chin. "Being Amira's brother has to be my most important job for now. When I'm not doing that, I manage assets."

"Is that fancy for 'I'm rich for a living'?"

"Somi, it's a real job, trust me." He chuckled.

I told him my name once, once, and he remembered like he has known it all his life. I pretended like I did not notice.

"Yeah right. I actually agree. If I didn't like cooking and had the opportunity to, I wouldn't mind being an 'asset manager'."

"Maybe one of these days, I could show you the office and what I do." His eyes met mine again as his head tilted. "I mean not if you don't want to."

"I do."

That sounds like you're marrying him already, Somi.

"I mean yeah. Why not? Sure." I knew I was smiling. I knew it was a very soft smile. I kept it that way.

"Okay." He winked at me.

"You can't wink to save your life." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"How about you save this life I can't do anything to save?" he asked.

With how quiet the car became, I knew he was probably waiting for my eyes at our usual spot but I denied him that pleasure.

Na wa. Why would he say something like that? What does that one even mean?

"It was supposed to make you laugh." His words came out in disjointed bits between swallows and forced throat clearing.

"I'm sorry," I said. "We might have a test today and I just remembered." I lied.

"Sure. Where's your faculty again?"

"There." I said, pointing ahead at the signboard.

My faculty, unlike most days, was unusually crowded. I kept peering out of the window to see if I could recognize my course mates and maybe find a reason for the crowd before stepping into it but the students in the crowd looked too naïve and concerned for finalists. We are usually more relaxed.

As Adams slowed the car down to a stop some students passed by, looking at the car and inside as if they kept their heads on the seats while another group of girls were very obviously busy bodying in front. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell what the object of their desire was.

"I can smell the mint in the air." Adams broke the silence. I resumed looking into the mirror, his eyes didn't meet mine for a while. Then he looked up, a clever smirk on his face. Almost like he was screaming something at me, only that he was not saying anything.


He started nodding, letting out a long guttural chortle and I joined in after a few intense seconds, finally getting the joke.

"As fresher's that they are abi?" I said, still laughing. Saying it out loud seemed to make it funnier and I laughed until I had tears in my eyes. "You're like the funniest guy I have ever met, I swear." It bubbled out before I could hold it back.

"I agree." He said as the laughter came to an end.

"See this one." I flipped my nose at him, unlocking the door and stepping out of the car. "I won't ask you how, if that's what you're waiting for."

"I am the funniest guy I know, so it's unlikely that I'm not the funniest guy in any situation." He said looking as proud as possible.

"Okay I hear you, Adams." I let his name fall off like silky butter. "So, this is it, where I say my goodbyes." I said looking back at the faculty building before returning my gaze to take in his face since our first proper time together was about to be history.

"We should stay in touch. Can I get your number?" he asked. "Especially since we need to plan your visit to the office."

"Yeah...The office, sure, of course." I took his phone. It was a pretty large Samsung. I know it was expensive but what was most impressive was how clear and void of smears the screen was. I typed in my digits, my hands shaking subtly and handed the phone back to him.

What is he saving it as? I hold back from peering.

"Thanks, Somi. Have a nice day and a good test."

"Yeah, thank you for the ride and the laughs, Adams." I self consciously avoided looking into his eyes as both my hands clutch my tote bag under my arm.

"My pleasure." He smiled again.

"Alright bye."




"You're still here."

"It's you who's in a rush." He said, acting oblivious to the fact that I'm expecting him to drive off.

"Oya na. See you... I mean call you-uhm no, call me." I mentally face palmed, "Bye."

My awkward last conduct makes walking away knowing he was watching even more awkward, but I do it and I don't look back until I'm inside the lecture hall.

He's definitely not in the past anything. 

Na future be this.


Votes and thoughts...

Goodness 🇳🇬

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