Chapter Fourty

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Final chapter because I kept cringing at the epilogue I wrote for this story, lmao... I can't upload it.


~Somi's POV~

Back in Lagos, my mental health was improving and I didn't think I needed to go see a therapist.

I knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but I was ready to face them head-on with the love and support of my family and friends and especially my boyfriend. The journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to make the most of my present life and create a bright future for myself and my sisters. As I'd already applied for my masters, cancelling out NYSC plans from my list for now.

As I snuggled up against Adams, the warmth of his body enveloping me, and the sound of the movie, provided a soothing background. The flickering of the TV cast shadows across the room, making it feel like our own little cinematic world. But suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the jarring ring of Adams' phone. He hesitated, staring at the screen before reluctantly picking it up.

I was engrossed in my movie, so I tried to ignore the interruption and focus on the movie, but my curiosity got the better of me. I watched as Adams sat up, his face serious as he answered the call.

"Salam Alaykum." I couldn't make out the rest of what he was saying because he was speaking Hausa, but the tension in his voice made it clear that it was an important person he was talking to.

As he spoke, he turned to look at me, and I felt a flutter in my stomach. His eyes strongly held mine, and I couldn't help but wonder who he was talking to. I mouthed the question, but he just covered the phone and mouthed back, "My father."

"I should hand the phone to her?" He said this one in English to the person on the other end.

Suddenly, I was on high alert. The thought of speaking to Adams' father filled me with dread. I didn't know what to say or how to act, and the last thing I wanted was to have a recurrence of what happened in Abuja.

So, without a second thought, I jumped out of bed, hoping to avoid the conversation, and with a last glance back at Adams, who was holding back a chuckle, I dashed out of the room.

I made it to the living room and collapsed onto the long couch, trying to catch my breath. The sound of his slides, slapping the marble floor echoed through the house, and I knew that Adams was coming to find me. I twisted my head to look at the staircase, my heart racing with anticipation.

Adams finally appeared, and I couldn't help but notice the hint of amusement in his expression. "My dad says hi," he said, standing over me.

Relieved that the conversation was over, I let out a sigh of relief with a nod.

"Let's go back." He stretched his hand towards me, and I took it, rising from the couch.

I led the way with him behind, both his hands around my waist.

Once we got back to his room, we assumed the same position we were in before his dad called and, this time, got into a long conversation.


I woke up the next morning feeling energised, so I decided to cook up a storm. It'd been a long time since I actually did that. Adams would not even let me lift a finger. I know he'd sacrificed and done a lot for me, and instead of me feeling incompetent and like a liability in the relationship, why don't I just reciprocate in my own way and within my power?

Sure, I couldn't buy him a house or do any of the other grand stuff he was and still does for me yet. But I could cook for him, care for him like he did me, and make him laugh.

I wanted to be his peace. Like he was mine.

Wale dropped me back home from Prince Ebaeno supermarket, where I'd gone to stock up on groceries. No more paid chefs whenever I was around; I was already tired of having international cuisines. To me, it doesn't seem that much appealing when it comes by every day.

Wale helped me with the plenty of grocery bags in the car to the front porch, and Adams, who was already awake, came to help me send them to the kitchen.

"You want to cook?" With a raised brow, he asked me, "You know you don't..."

"I want to." I shushed him and then placed a light kiss on his lips. "Quit treating me like I'll die if I do anything; now help me with these," I said firmly and gestured towards the bags, and he neared me with a lopsided grin.

"I get excited when you talk to me like that," He whispered into my ears, grabbing my waist and nuzzling the side of my neck.

"Babe!" going crimson, I turned to see if Wale was still around. Then hit his hands off when I caught Wale turning around and spotting a smile.

"What?" Adams whined like a child.

"Pick these up and come."

"Okay," His response was too eager. I had to just laugh.

He helped me unpack the groceries, brought his Macbook downstairs to do minor work at the counter, and kept me company.

I made different Nigerian delicacies like pepper soup, which I served him on the spot. I made jollof rice, stew, and chicken curry, then egusi and Afang soup; between bouts of making these delicacies, he'd finally seduced me to one of the couches in the living room to have his favourite dish.

At the end of cooking amidst gisting, I couldn't help but feel content. The feeling of doing something for him in my own way was fulfilling, and I knew I wanted to do it more often. Cooking had always been therapeutic for me, but this time it was special. It was a way for me to show Adams how much he meant to me and how much I appreciated him.

As we cuddled in comfortable silence, enjoying the afterglow of the meal, I realised that reciprocating love and care didn't always have to be grand gestures. The little things also mattered.



Sheesh, finally the end of the road for this book. I reread this work and I kept cringing at what I wrote😭, homaigod😂... I mentioned a few chapters above that I had to rewrite the book. This version is my first draft and I have completed the refined version (Gave the story and characters depth, improved my writing game, changed some characters and names and added some strong themes to the story also added plenty hot smut scenes🥺, giving the twins their individual stories in separate titles too).

Resolves feels like a rushed book and things didn't naturally flow.

So if you want access to the new and refined work to give your opinions, thoughts and reviews as a beta reader, you can reach me through dm here or whatsApp +234(0)9079135213, cause I'd also appreciate y'alls thoughts and opinions on it.

Once again, thanks for giving audience to my ramblings and this work... Your votes, encouragements and opinions pushed me to want to make this story better and standard, hence the birthing of the new version.

Appreciate all my readers❤️.

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