Chapter Thirty.

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~Author's POV~

Adams stared at his phone screen, eyes scanning the device void of any message or returned calls from her. The absence of her communication gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was still upset with him.

Earlier, he had hastily concluded a meeting to respond to a seemingly straightforward message she had sent, mentioning that she was going to visit her grandmother at the hotel. The clock now struck 8 pm, and he couldn't shake off the growing concern that plagued his mind. He called several times and she didn't respond.

With a mix of worry and curiosity, Adams decided to check for her location. He launched the map application on his phone, pinpointing her location at the hotel. A surge of apprehension coursed through him as he considered the possibility that she deliberately avoided him or refused to engage in conversation.

Sensing his efforts might be futile or aggravate the situation. He reluctantly resolved to giving her space. Pushing thoughts of her to the recesses of his mind, Adams plunged back into his work. Though he had intended to take a short break after his business trip, he couldn't bear the idleness that now taunted him. He sought solace in immersing himself in his tasks while chatting with Amira on WhatsApp, attempting to find some semblance of distraction.


In the early hours of the following day, before the sun had fully risen, Adams drove to the family house in Lekki. His purpose? To fulfil Amira's request of taking her to school for her rehearsals. However, the day held more than just big-brother duties for him. Later that evening, he had plans to hang out with Williams and Pk at an exclusive membership social club.

As he navigated the roads, the absence of communication from Somi weighed heavily on his mind. The persistent silence left him unsettled, and his map still indicated that she remained at the hotel. Determined to make the most of his day and night, Adams meticulously organised his schedule, hoping to avoid the need for continuous calls and messages, which she had repeatedly ignored, even that morning.

What was she so mad about? He thought to himself.

Parking his car in an empty spot in the open garage, Adams stepped out and acknowledged the worker mowing the lawn at the left side of the vast compound with a nod. He made his way towards the entrance, silently reminding himself to subtly inquire from Amira if Homa was also present at the hotel where their grandmother stayed at, so he'd get to reach Somi from there.

Passing through the reception room, he finally entered the main living room. A reality show blared from the large TV screen, but the room was devoid of any occupants.

Aunty Roqeebat, the head housekeeper, smiled warmly at him as she just came in from the kitchen to set the dining table. "Ina kwana, sir. Salam Alaykum," she greeted. "You're here so early," she commented.

Returning her smile, Adams's gaze shifted from the scar at the corner of her mouth, close to her pink hijab, a reminder of an accident from long ago, to her belly. It was then that he noticed her baby bump, concealed beneath her flowing dress.

This was her ninth pregnancy, and her youngest child was barely able to walk. He had initially assumed that Amira was merely teasing him when she mentioned Aunty Roqeebat's pregnancy.

Amused, he chuckled and inquired, "Aunty, another one?"

Aunty Roqeebat laughed heartily at his words. She was more than just a housekeeper, she was like family, having served Adams's family since his childhood and long before Amira was born. Adams's father catered for her and her family over the years.


"Nagode, sir," she said with gratitude.

"Also, considering how early you're up, I hope you're not overworking yourself."

"I'm stronger when I'm pregnant, and besides, I won't be due for another five months, Insha Allah," she proudly shared. "How was your trip, sir?"

"Alhamdulillah, it was fine. I came to drop Amira off at school," Adams replied warmly, turning his attention to the sound of a door opening. He spotted Amira, struggling to tie a scarf around her hair. Her eyes lit up as she saw him, and he smiled. She was already dressed in the bohemian floor-length dress and purse he had just recently bought for her from Paris.

"Good morning," she greeted him, offering a brief hug before heading towards the set table. "Aunty Roqeebat, please help me out here," she requested, handing the scarf to the woman's outstretched hand. Meanwhile, Adams settled into one of the seats, ready to eat.


A few minutes later, they found themselves en route to Yaba. The conversation had momentarily lapsed into silence after Amira had passionately vented about her demanding and tardy lecturers, who would insist on early attendance but rarely adhere to their own schedules. She expressed her frustration at the excessive workload and the subsequent rush to cover missed content.

Amidst the drive, Adams seized the opportunity to inquire about Homa. "Your friend isn't going today?" he casually asked, glancing at Amira as she wound down the car window and disposed of her bubble gum.

Amira picked up her phone, her brows furrowing. "I don't know. We spoke last night, and she sounded somewhat off. I think something happened. She promised to call me back this morning."

"Why don't you give her a call?" Adams suggested, attempting to maintain an air of nonchalance.

"On it," Amira replied swiftly, placing the phone to her ear while Adams deftly navigated through the traffic.

"Hello, babes," Amira greeted. There was a brief pause as she listened intently. "Why do you sound like that? Your mom?" Adams discreetly turned off the soft music playing in the car, eager to catch any snippets of the conversation. "I can barely make out your words." Another pause ensued. "Hello? Your mom died?"

Amira's confusion was palpable as she tried to comprehend the shocking news. "I don't understand... Just explain everything to me through text or a voice note," she requested, her face etched with a frown. "I'm on my way to school, yes. Of course, I'll cover for you." A sense of understanding washed over her as the conversation progressed. "Alright," she concluded, ending the call and staring at her phone, her mind racing.

"She mentioned something about her mom passing away," Amira shared. She continued to stare at her phone as she started to receive the text message from her friend detailing the circumstances surrounding her mother's demise.

Adams's phone buzzed, and he glanced down to see a message from Somi. Relief flooded his veins, but he quickly averted his gaze back to the road, mindful of the traffic and potential hazards.

Upon reaching the school gate, Amira had already filled Adams in on Homa's explanation. Feeling that it was now safer to use his phone, as they were no longer on the busy highway, he retrieved his device and began perusing the messages from Somi, eager to talk to her.

Mama: Hi, I didn't realise you've been trying to reach me. Wasn't ignoring you on purpose.

She'd also left him a call.

Once he dropped Amira, still on the sidewalk where he parked, he called her back.

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