Chapter Thirty One

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~Author's POV~

The past couple of days wedged a balance between how much grim had been smeared from the surface and Caroline's proficiency to sustain the tension and not flee from the glooming nightmares that seemed to be swooping towards her with force.

"Calista!" She realised she was being called for the umpteenth time while she'd been lost in her pestilential thoughts or fears that seemed to be consuming her. Eyes widened with something like the looks of awe and recollecting consciousness, she answered the call of her mate. "So, how do you like the watch?" Eniola questioned, "You've been looking at it for the last five minutes or more."

"Well, it looks too masculine," she gave a breathy response. Peeling the heavy stoned metal from her wrist.

In the space of a week since Mama decided to sell the land to those eager bastards who wanted to build whatever drivel of a building they had in mind.

How could she even sell the land without the consent of her only daughter? She thought to herself in bitterness.

The numerous calls from her hometown as they filled her in on all Oby had been spewing about her.

For all she knows, she is Calista, and whoever they found on the land is Caroline. She had buried that identity with her twin sister's corpse and eloped with that of her deceased sisters'.

After which, she had left her sister's life with Elijah's death and moved on with hers, but the only taint was she still had to bear her sickening name! Calista! Calista! She had brought this name into her new life and marriage because of Elijah and the OG's Calista's children, who wouldn't let her be and thought she was their mummy.

And the trouble that comes with bearing the identity still haunts her and, right now, is throwing a gnawing peril at her life.


Years ago, she always thought she would get used to being called this name, but as each day ran by, she felt the utmost distance between her and the deceased character she was forced to portray, and by day, that name sounded like a foreign chant each time she was addressed by it.

But who would buy her tale? In view of the fact that her children now antagonised her and she had put her supposed husband on his deathbed. She must make up for it. From now on, she must be a good mother to buy their endearing favours.

But for God's sake, she's tired of playing this card. She felt like she was trapped in the body of another human being.

And come to think of those years back, more than a decade now, when she watched her life shatter into smithereens. Everyone thought she was dead or missing, and not so much concern was sent her way. She never mattered.

"Are you sure? That is a 24-carat gold o. And it doesn't even look like what a man would want to put on his skin" Eniola threw a light dab of persuasion.

"Well, I just don't fancy it enough. Maybe I could look at other collections." Caroline was beginning to fail at masking her displeasing thoughts.

"I felt taking you out to get some air would spare you from cowering in your distress. You have been worried for the past few days. But it seems this isn't working at all," Eniola said, throwing a glittering chain of stones on her neck.

Caroline smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I really appreciate your kindness, but I promise I'll get over this soon." Although she had always been known as the disrupter of peace, Caroline questioned her recent fondness for Eniola, her husband's second wife.

She knew it was not something that emanated from her heart. Perhaps it was because Eniola was easier to tolerate. And that has quite earned her an unbearable afternoon of shopping with the woman and her ludicrous friends.

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