Chapter Thirty-Six

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The next morning, Thea returned to the base to meet with Nova. 

"Take a walk with me," she said, upon meeting her in the dining hall. 

"Now?" Nova asked her. 

"When else?" Thea returned. 

Nova gave her a simple expression of agreement as she stood up from the table and followed her out of the base. 

The wind breezed through Nova's silver hair, reminding her that it had grown considerably in recent days. She hadn't paid much attention to her appearance recently, given everything that was going on. 

"When Albi and I were kids...we used to climb trees outside our house. It would scare the crap out of mom," Thea said, then. 

Nova met her gaze with warmth. 

"It's good to talk about them," Nova said to her. 

Thea nodded. 

"I just look into my imagination when it gets difficult and think about what my mother would want me to do...and honestly? I would love to be like her, to follow in her footsteps and help the extraterrestrial world," Thea stated. 

"But..." Nova said. 

"But, I also want to carry on with my writing. I suppose I'll just have to do both," Thea said then. 

"I'll help," Nova replied decisively. 

Thea gave her a once-over then with a grateful smile. 

After some time had passed, the two girls returned to the base. Aurora approached the both of them. While Nova wandered off to get on with some work setting up security around the base, Aurora remained with Thea. 

"How are you feeling, Thea?" Aurora asked her. 

Thea turned to her with a grateful smile before replying. 

"Better," Thea said. 

Aurora was highly emotionally intelligent as a fire form. She knew that it was only understandable for Thea to be going through a lot of feelings and emotions at present, but she wanted to let her friend know that she was there for her. 

"Lani would be proud of you," Aurora said. 

"For what?" 

Aurora just turned to her then and met her gaze. 

"You're getting through it," she said. 

Thea had to acknowledge to herself then that she was. She was working on fighting through all of this despite the pain that she felt. 

"I did you deal with it when your mother died?" Thea asked her then. 

Aurora took a moment to consider her question. 

"I never really got the opportunity to find out what happened to her," Aurora admitted. 

Thea waited with patience for her to continue. 

"I was just put aboard a ship and that was was that or I died. My mother had always told me that I had to be strong for her and carry on, and so I did that very thing," Aurora said then. 

"You make it look so easy," Thea said quietly. 

Aurora just gave a little shake of her head. 

"I was heartbroken at first...but it's been years since it happened. Time truly is the greatest healer," Aurora told her. 

All the while Aurora spent time with Thea, Mars had wandered into the main dining hall to find Peia sat there. 

He didn't know what to blame for them meeting each other so consistently, perhaps the universe just wanted the two of them to talk to each other. 

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