Chapter Nineteen

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Lani and Jeremy had recently got married in the city, which allowed for them to move back nearer Dana's base alongside Thea and Albi. Lani had been cooking them all up breakfast, while Albi and Jeremy talked. 

"Hey Jeremy can you pass the coffee?" Albi asked him. 

"Sure can," Jeremy replied. 

Albi could tell that he was thinking about something. 

"Are you alright?" he asked. 

Lani turned to them then, her ear perking up in her curiosity. 

"I'm fine, just wish that Thea would join us for breakfast when I'm here one of these days," Jeremy replied. 

Lani just gave him a kind smile then. 

"She'll come round to you being here," she told him. 

"I sure hope so," Jeremy replied. 

Albi was aware that Jeremy had been determined to get Thea on his team, too. This was all well and good, aside from the fact that Thea felt as though nobody could ever replaced her real father, and so she felt bad about not spending time with Albi and her mother but in some ways she felt as though her mother was a traitor to her real father. 

"She will. I believe so," Albi chipped in then with a positive note to his voice. 

Jeremy simply regarded him with gratitude. 

The doorbell rang soon after that, and Thea went to answer it to find Aurora at the front door. 

"Hey," Aurora said with a kind smile. 

Now, on the one hand, Thea was glad to see Aurora there. On the other, she knew about Nova and Peia's kiss, and for some reason, it had upset her. She really wasn't all too sure why. Nova was just her friend, after all, but Thea couldn't deny the sense of jealousy that it had stirred in her. Regardless, she gave Aurora a nod to allow her into their home. 

Aurora breathed in the familiarity of the house that she had first come to after leaving the Galaver Research Institute. It felt nice to be back there again, almost like being home, even though it was far from her real one. However, Aurora guessed, now, that home was wherever her family was, and she felt as though Lani and her children counted as family, too. 

Albi wandered down the hall then to see Aurora and his cheeks pinkened a little. 

"Hey, Aurora," he said to her. 

"Hey Albi," she replied with a kind-natured grin. 

Thea simply looked between the two of them with amusement, but Aurora wasn't catching on. 

"I hope you don't mind, but I may have brought some guests with me," Aurora stated then, after which Colt and Nova stepped into the house after her. 

"Hey again, Thea," Colt said with a smile as he walked by. 

"Hey Thea," Nova replied. 

Thea just gave her a nod as a greeting, so that signalled to Nova all she needed to know. Nova felt bad. She hadn't even initiated the kiss that had happened with Peia, after all. Then again, she wasn't quite sure why she felt bad. Thea didn't like her that way, did she? So, she had no true reason to be jealous. Of course, when Nova may have snooped and read Thea's mind, she realised there may be more to that than she had initially thought. One of Nova's main weaknesses, essentially, was that when she didn't know what to do she became withdrawn, and due to this, she wasn't sure what to say to Thea. Her main fear in life was to have limited significance, and she felt like that with Thea, currently. 

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