Chapter Eight

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Leo had been called into Dana's office later that evening, as she wanted to speak to him about what Peia had found when she had looked through the telescope. Of course, Peia's ability of enhanced sight and skill of identifying alien runes allows her to determine that the space craft headed towards them was from Tuldrox. Dana had informed Leo of this, which had given him some hope, no matter how small, of the potential to find more of his kind. 

"Leo, I think it would be good for you and Colt to go and survey the grounds outside to see if you can find any more Galaverian artifacts," she told him, "It'll get Colt out of my hair anyway for a moment-" she muttered, but Leo had very good hearing as  a Tuldrox, he picked up on it. 

"Excuse me?" he asked. 

"What?" Dana replied. 

"Your comment on Colt...he's a good guy," Leo stated. 

"Peia seems to think so," Dana remarked. 

"Is this why the two of you are finished with?" Leo wondered. 

"It may be. It's not really your business," Dana said. 

Leo sighed. 

"No, I can't," he said. 

Dana eyed him with surprise then. 

"I'm not a lap dog," Leo stated simply as he headed out of Dana's office and off down the hall. 

As he wandered quickly down the hall, he soon came into contact with Colt. 

"It's not true, is it?" Leo wondered aloud. 

Colt arched an eyebrow at him. 

"What's not true?" he asked. 

"You and Peia," Leo said. 

Colt looked a little taken aback by that comment. What had gotten into everyone recently? Including Peia. 

"Aren't you feeling better now?" Colt asked. "There may be more Tuldrox out there," he stated. 

"No, and I shouldn't have to go and continue getting on with my research when there's so much unaddressed drama going on," Leo stated. 


"Fix things with Peia, because believe me, a lot of people aren't too sure where you two stand right now, including Peia, it seems," Leo said. 

Colt was already aware of that. 

"Goodbye then, I guess," Colt said, as Leo wandered off, "That's so not cool, dude," he muttered to himself, as he gazed down the hall. 

I'm not okay. Leo thought to himself. In truth, Leo hadn't felt quite well for a few days now, and so he headed down the hall to the infirmary, where Nova was currently preparing medicines and resources. This had become her second job at the base, now, and it allowed her to take her mind off her irritation with Dana, so she had been glad to take it up. 

As soon as he entered the room, though, Leo collapsed onto the ground. 

Nova rushed over to him, considerably alarmed. 

"Leo! Are you okay?" she exclaimed in her anxiety. 

Colt rushed into the infirmary then after hearing the impact of Leo's body against the ground, and helped Nova lift him up onto a bed. 

"What's happening with him?" Colt asked. 

"My best guess is that this is an allergic reaction," Nova commented, as she injected Leo with a serum that served to calm him down. 

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