Chapter Twenty-Eight

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His heart had never ached as much as it did in that moment, because Leo knew he had lost a dear friend. He also knew one of the vital truths of life, extraterrestrials abilities could do many things. They couldn't, however, bring people back to life.  Leo knew it was going to be difficult, but he knew exactly who he needed to speak to.

He managed to lift Albi's body and take him into the infirmary where he laid him down before he went to find Lani.

"Lani," he said.

Lani knew something was wrong from the way he had said the word. She was very intuitive, but mother instincts had also kicked in thst moment signalling to her that something had occurred.

"What is it?" she asked him.

"You may want to sit down," Leo said.

Then, he explained everything that happened in the most simplified and painless way that he could think of. He knew, of course, that there wasn't really any real painless way to speak about someone's death.

Albi was gone.

Lani spirit felt like it had lost a key piece.

She cried out, though it came out all wrangled like a scream.

"No. Not Albi. Not my baby," she sobbed.

Leo wandered closer to her but he knew she needed some space.

"I...who could have done this?" she asked then.

"I- I don't know," Leo said.

He felt sick at the fact that he couldn't help Lani more. He felt even sicker at the fact that this had occurred in the first place.

"I want to see him," Lani said then.

Jeremy caught on immediately as he walked past and saw how rosy Lani's cheeks had become and how bloodshot her eyes were. He immediately wandered over to her and wrapped his arms around her, making eye contact with Leo as he did so with a look that spoke words. "What on Earth happened?"

"Albi..." Leo trailed off.

"Albi? What about Albi?" Jeremy asked then.

They soon heard a scream down the hall from the infirmary, and Lani immediately shot up.

"Thea!" she exclaimed in her panic.

Vela looked between them all with concern as they wandered past her, Lani headed into the infirmary to see Thea stood there looking over Albi's body.

Thea felt hollow.

She had lost her best friend.

"Albi...who the hell would do this?" she asked as she sobbed.

She looked up towards both Lani and Jeremy then with and expression that signalled she had no idea what to do.

Jeremy took a step closer, while Lani wandered over to her to wrap her arms around her.

Lani refused to look at the body.

She didn't want to confirm it in her mind.

She didn't want to see that Albi, her son, her world, was gone.

Who had done this?

More to the point, why?

"Lani..." Jeremy said soothingly as he rubbed her back.

"Jeremy," Thea said then, "I think I need to go home," she admitted.

Jeremy gave her an understanding nod knowing that in her grief Thea simply couldn't be there.

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