Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Life was certainly about to change for the people at Dana's sanctuary. For one thing, they had discovered new alien beings- Jupiter and Vela, who had both come from the planet of Tuldrox. More surprising still, one of these beings was Leo's long-lost twin brother, and the two of them had been separated at birth when their mother had solemnly passed on during it.

Dana had explained everything about life on Earth to the two Tuldroxi beings, including the fact that they were currently under the suspicions of the scientists and government. Vela had been quite alarmed by this , but Dana had managed to ensure her that they would do all that she could to protect her people.

Vela had been surprised to have allied with a Galaver, but she was glad all the same. She hadn't expected to have had such a warm welcoming to Earth upon first arriving there.

While Vela continued to speak with Dana, ensuring that the leader of the extraterrestrial sanctuary was aware of how she and her son Jupiter had got to Earth, Leo met with Jupiter.

"So...we're brothers?" Leo asked him.

Jupiter adjusted the collar of his black shirt before he replied.

"It appears so," he replied, meeting Leo's eyes with his own dark green ones.

Leo couldn't read how Jupiter felt, but he could imagine it was somewhat along the same lines as him. What exactly was going on here? He couldn't believe that it had been almost twenty-three years (Earth equivalent being accounted for) and he had no idea that he had a brother. A twin, for that matter!

"When did you get here then, Libra?" Jupiter asked him then.

"It's Leo," Leo replied.

"Is it, though?" Jupiter asked.

Leo wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, so he just cleared his throat nervously before speaking again.

"Er yeah, actually, it is," Leo said.

A slightly uncomfortable quiet grew between the two of them then.

Leo knew that he would be unquestionably loyal to his brother. it just seemed as though it was going to be difficult to get through to him at present.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the base and in her room, Aurora was getting changed into her silver Galaveri uniform in order to go out into the forest.

"I'm coming with you," Nova had told her.

"You really don't have to," Aurora said gently, but regarded her friend with appreciation all the same.

"It's no big deal," Nova told her.

Aurora simply nodded.

"Alright. Let's go then."

Hours had passed since the Tuldrox ship had landed, and so the sky was beginning to brighten a little as Nova and Aurora began to walk through the forest.

Aurora had been tasked with trying to find any traces of Galaveri existence. With the Tuldrox now grounded, it seemed as though life as they knew it was about to change for them all.

"There's nobody out here. I say we make a break for it now."

Aurora turned to Nova and raised an eyebrow.

Nova just shrugged to her.

"We don't have any reason to stay exactly."

"I call a complete bluff on that one. You like Leo," Aurora retorted, fixing Nova with a challenging stare.

Nova couldn't help but allow the light dusting of pink to appear on her cheeks once more.

"I knew it!" Aurora said.

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