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*heads up cause I didn't read this through AT ALL*

Krest POV

After I make Wayland leave her office  and sit down on my bed. She's so beautiful, I just wish that she wasn't so hard to get to. Taylor does whatever I ask of her, why can't my dear mate? I shake my head of these thought knowing there not mine.

It's not like I can change the way she thinks. That would be almost to much work for just one person.

When I rejected her I never expected to feel this pain. I can feel this body's it's tearing me apart.

Even when he feels lust for Winter I feel it. Octavian has me doing this promising to one day free me. I've been held captive since I was five years old now I was fifteen. 

The bastard is just trying to get me to lose my mine controlling Damien's. I'm trying to keep sane but it's easier done on some days then others.

He set me up in a room where they check up on me every couple of days. They feed me only when Damien's body is resting.

I don't want to live the rest of my life like this. I want to see the world for myself not through his eyes, I want to be able to make my own choices.

When I open my eyes I see Ares sitting next to my bed. She's smiling down at me, "I'm happy your awake Kres, you scared me,"

She was like a mother to me. She was Octavians real mother, but he treated her like trash if not worst.

I smile knowing my throat will hurt if I try to talk. My voice is something that I don't use often because I'm always using Wayland.

I've been doing it since I was ten maybe even younger I don't even remember now. It's starting to become a blur.

"I bet he's giving you a hard time that's why you passed out," she was talking of Damien," I've been reading and I think I found something that can help you,"

Ares has been trying to free me for a long time. I've given up after the twelve times our planes have failed. But that doesn't stop her, no it gives her more motivation.

"Rest and do yourself a favour let Damien have a moment with his mate. It's going to be the only way we can stop him in the future. Him knowing that's she's seen a glimpse at the real him," she presses her lips to my forehead before turning and walking out my room.

Now long after a guard walks in, he's holding a tray of goddess knows what. "I've gotten some food for you. After you eat you will sleep and relax someone else will be taking over his mind for a couple of days. Once King Octavian thinks your healed it's back to work,"

I nod my head. Running my hands through my curls I sit up in bed and take the tray.

The food was nothing more them a sandwich, chips, glass of water and a kisses chocolate. That's my reward for doing such a good job with Wayland. These assholes in here were each crazier then the last.

He leaves and closes my door behind me. I eat the sandwich, and drink water, leaving the chips for later. Unwrapping the chocolate, I put it with the rest, these 'rewards' were filled with a mixture of different chemicals. It makes me more loyal to them, Ares warned me about it herself.

I hid it and whenever I have the chance flush it down the toilet. My arms are skinny and to think to be considered remotely healthy. Being Wayland drains me, also with the food they give me, and the sleep I get, I'm happy I'm not dead yet.

Closing my eyes I look into Wayland's head. To the far corner sits Damien, he's always fighting to take control, he sees what I do and hates it. I explained my reasons but he just spat in my face promising my death once he gets out.

Winter-RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ