Wayland Slayer

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While Winter was known as the Demon Princess, Wayland Damien Slayer was known as the Demon Prince.

He was an emotionless, handsome, smart, and deadly young king. Many say those are his best qualities.

He started to train at a young age and finished training at twenty. While he was at the Academy he fell in love with a girl.

He fell in love with his sister's best friend, Taylor. While at Straights, the training school, they became close, soon falling in love with each other.

Due to the two not finding their mate yet the King at the time, Wayland's father said that it was okay to date each other until their mates are found.

During a terrible storm, he meets Augustus, Prince of Rogues, and twin to Winter. They became best friends soon August becomes the royal beta.

Damien may not like the Rogues but he wouldn't let his hate for them affect his friendship with August.

These days he has heard rumors that the future Queen of Rogues, is back and coming for her beta.

As Damien always said if you want something that belongs to me, prepare to fight and lose. He doesn't like people thinking they could have what is his.

No one messes with the Alpha King, after all, he had the strongest Wolf at his side.

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