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The moon fell in love with the sun and would do anything for his love. She never noticed him at first but once she did she could never keep her eyes off of him and her him.

Others fell is love with her and tried to get her to notice them. Her name was Rose she was light itself, the sun goddess, mother of Aelle.

Aelle was beautiful, she had the strength of both her mother and father, beauty of her mother, brains of her grandfather, courage of her father.

During a celebration for the Goddess, Aelle was in the garden trying to get away from the people when she saw him, Dementres. He was there to meet Rose and talk to her about his hounds, but the moment that he saw Aelle he knew she was special.

Most women would be to scarred to approach him or even look at him but she went up to him and smiled. They talked for an hour and when it was time for Dementres to meet with the Moon god, he kissed her.

It was Aelle's first kiss and it ment the most to her. Not because Dementres was a King nor his stature as a God, but because she knew it held a promise.

For the rest of the month they would meet in the gardens and talk never going farther than that. Draven wanted her as his queen, so that he can love and cherish her the way that she was ment to be.

What Dementres didn't know what that Aelle was engaged to another. He was a King and wanted nothing but Aelle, after all they grew up together and he fell in love with her, his love turned into an obsession making him hate whenever someone else got hee attention.

Aelle didn't tell Draven out of fear that he would leave hee. She cared for her fiancé but what she felt for Draven was deeper than physical or mental it was spiritual. She became his light in his dark world and he was her her mission piece of the puzzle.

When Zai found out about their meetings, she explained to Draven that she had no problem with him seeing Aelle. The problem came because she was promised to another and no matter how much they tried they couldn't break the engagement unless both parties agreed.

Aelle's fiancé Reiden (Ray-den) would have not change his mind. His obsession ran too deep for him to give her up, and Aelle knew that.

She told Dementres she would stay and marry Reiden and for him to move on. The God of Demons promised that his heart would always be her's and he would wait for her until time itself would stop.

The night before they were to wed Aelle decided to run away from Reiden. She didn't make it far before he caught her, she begged him to let her go but he wouldn't have any of it. That night he chained her up and forced her to marry him the next day.

Dementres came to the wedding hoping that she would run into his arms but she never did. She looked at him with disgust and hate, she imagined Draven to be Reid and those feelings came out naturally.

For their wedding night Reid locked her in her room, for Aelle laughed in his face when he came to consummate their wedding. She said that the only man she would ever give her virtue to is her love. He threatened  to take her by force, she said then she would imagine it's the demon god making love to her, not a vile man like themself.

As time went on Aelle started to lose hope and decided to act like a wife. She did everything a wife should do for her husband but she refused to be in his bed.

On her birthday her mother granted her a wish she could have anything she wanted. This wish came with rules, she couldn't break her marriage to her husband, she couldn't go back in time because what is done is done, she couldn't kill her husband.

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