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Unknown Pov

I swirl the red poison in my cup and take a sip of the liquid. It burns when it goes down just like my heart when I think of her.

She's perfection and he doesn't know what he let go. Long ago I promised that she would be mine, her stomach swollen with our pups.

I don't care what I have to do but Winter will be mines. Her sweet curls those eyes that can make me smile whenever I see it. Her curves that get me hard when I think of them.

She never noticed me, she always noticed the ones that were either the best or the worse. I was always too powerful for her, that's what my father said. All I wanted was for her to come to me and beg me to take her, to treat her like the goddess that she is. My goddess.

No matter what it takes I would have her. No matter who I had to kill or what I had to destroy she will be mines.

That pathetic man they call a King let her go to be what worthless thrash. I would make them all suffer for hurting her. She deserves the world and she got dirt.

They used her for all her talents while she was breaking on the inside slowly. Thorne begged Storm to come to get them when they needed him but they let her down. She would've given them anything they wanted, she would give him the world if they asked.

I run my hand through my beard.

All my followers smile at me when they see me walk pass them. They promised me their devotion because they know I will reward them when it's time. If we succeed if not they will all burn.

The woman's eyes linger on my face as I pass. I eye them, they would do so much just for me to compliment them, they would sell their soul to the devil to be in my bed.

To bad they already sold it to me without knowing. And I still don't want them. They aren't strong, beautiful and sexy like my Rose.

My little Rose, my unicorn.

"So tell me what do you know so far?" I sit down on my thrown.

"We are trying but we can't find her your grace. We checked Nicolas but she isn't with him, we are going to check Wayland. There are rumours that say that she is staying with her ex-mate, we are trying to figure out if it's true because he isn't in the castle."

She's with him? She better not be.

I nod I feel my hands dripping blood. My claws digging into my palm, my hand turning white ready to remove a soul from a body.

My eyes twitch at the new information," Interesting." My voice deeper then it was minutes before.
🌷Winter POV

During the night Thorne woke up and was hungry for blood. Blood that I had no problem getting for us.

I've been calm the last couple days letting them get used to me. Now that my wolf was awake it was time for the storm. I asked Kennedy to get me hair dye during the day before and scissors. I'm happy that she got it so now I could do something with this hair, she also got me a razer.

After an hour I was finally finished. It was the perfect colour and length, I let it grow out for a mission. Now it's time to feel a little different. It was now layered with grey highlights, it wasn't waist length anymore but upper back. Once it was 4 am I was up and running around the forest.

I had to make sure that I got used to these woods as much as I could. In a couple of days I would be asking Nicolas to come get me, he was waiting for me to let him know my location.

When I make it back to the house I was sweating heavily. Wayland and August were outside with everyone, they were talking. Once they felt me look their way they looked at me.

"Wow nice hair." August looked at me hair in shock.

Wayland stops what he was doing and momentarily makes eye contact with me before his eyes move to the rest of my body. He bites his lips before his composure goes back to his natural indifference.

"Thanks, I wanted to call Nicholas it's time I let him know my location. He must be worried and I don't want him to be any longer."

"No problem we can call him now." I nod and follow after Wayland.

"Your hair looks really nice," he said once we was inside his office. I don't even answer him, I lean back in my seat.

"I want to make the call and leave. I don't care if you like my hair or not. I didn't cut it for your approval so can you start the call."

"Of course princess," He puts emphasis on princess

I take the phone once it starts ringing. After the third ring he picks up," Prince Nicholas," his voice filled with authority.

"Hey love it's me."

"Rose?" His voice suddenly filled with joy.

"The one and only, I called to let you know my location so that you can come to get me." Wayland was paying attention to what I had to say.

"Ok, I will be there by soon."

"Great, can you let my betas and gamma know that I'm safe. I want you to bring Bean with you when you arrive. That will take you two days, I also want you to bring me my kinves and my black backpack in my closet. The third to the left, count carefully when you are in my closet."

"Alright, anything else. I hear from you for the first time in weeks and you are bossy. Goddess I missed you," a smile come to my face when he said that.

"Of course, my charm is what brings kingdoms to their knees." I joke.

"I have some information that you will love to hear and other that aren't so nice. Your father also has somethings he told me to inform you of."

"No problem." I feel his eyes on me.

I tilt my head to expose my neck to him, I darth my tongue out and lick my lips slowly. His eyes darken when they see what my actions are, he might not know it but I still have an effect on him. An affect that I always no matter what.

My eyes soon turn hard when I look him in his eyes

"I'll pass the phone to the King so that you can talk arrivals. I have to go I'm starving. I'll see you soon Nick."

Last chapter I said I needed 6 votes before I updated and I'm happy that you guys give me those votes.

For the next chapter 6 votes and 6 comments.

Also this is suuuper unedited because I typed it on my phone.

The song makes me think of Rose

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