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We walk to his office as we stepped inside everyone stood and bowed their head at me. We may not like each other but they needed something from me so they will be on their best behavior. 

Wayland makes his way to the other side of his desk and sits down on it. I sit down at the only empty seat at the table, once seated the others follow. Everyone else was looking like they are some type of businessmen or woman while I sat there in my shirt and leggings.

I turn to see some of them look over my outfit. I make eye contact with them and keep it until they look away from me. 

"So is everyone going to pretend that they've never seen my outfit before?" I asked them and they all looked away. Wayland rolled his eyes at what I said. 

"Let's begin, Princess Winter told me what happened and it looked like the Treyions chased her until she reached our territory. Due to our mistake a  year ago it looks like their shots have gotten strong enough to weaken royal wolf. She's taken pictures, and we would like to see them if you are alright with that?" He questioned me. 

"I have no problem with that, I just need the USB and a computer with wifi. The files are encrypted and if I don't undo it, a virus would spread and eat out your system, while also doing some other things."

He opened a drawer and took a laptop and my black USB. I take it and open it the wallpaper was black and there was no password on it. I put in the USB and started to decrypt it as well as sending copies to other places, and hiding a bug in their system. 

I never know when I will need to use it in the future, or if I'll ever need it. 

Once I am done I turn the screen so that everyone can see it. The first picture showed the lab and I took a picture of the same thing they shot me with, it was yellow and thick. Switching to the other one, it showed dead wolves with yellow foam coming out their mouth, while blood ran out from their eyes, nose, and ears. 

The next one showed a person who was cut open, the inside of their bodies were burnt to a crisp. I took a picture of the medical file next to her, it read Give her experiment Yp mixed with aconitum (C34H47NO11), body reaction. Experiment 193 was also given W0i23.

The other pictures were showing the inside of her abdomen, the parts that weren't crisp were purple with hints of yellow. 

The next pictures showed wolves who were giving small doses, their eyes were white and their fur was thin and the skin that was exposed was green and blotchy. I showed them the others each worse the last, one showed a woman that started to claw at her stomach, she died with a smile on her face. Once I was done I turn off the computer and sit back down in my seat. 

"We need to find the location of the lab and go in with a team and see if we can find anything," Wayland said. 

"I agree with you love." Taylor agreed with him. 

"That would be stupid, they probably are waiting for an attack if they are still there. They probably have that Yellow thing ready to kill. They might also already moved the lab to somewhere else." 

Everyone agreed with me, knowing that I am correct. 

"I think you guys should send droids to see if they are still there, if not then you guys can go in," Taylor says her unwanted opinion. 

"We'll do that but not right now. In a couple of weeks when they least expect it. August you will be in charge of that if there is nothing else everyone can leave. " 

They all nodded at what Wayland had to say then got up and left the room. Taylor strolled over to Wayland, she ran a hand through his hair. His face was void of any emotions, he leaned back in his seat, his chest rising slowly, his balled his hands into a fist. The veins in his neck were showing as well as those under the skin of his arm. 

"You as well," he said. His eyes were closed but his head was facing my direction. A smirk made its way onto her face. I run a hand through my curls, thanking the heavens there were no knots in them. I made no move to get up from the snug chair. 

After some time he gets up and glares at Taylor, I sit back and watch the way her eyes widen, while her smirk falls when realization falls on her. Wayland's words were meant for her not me. 

I stand from my seat and start to follow him out the room, Taylor stood there still shocked at the way he talked to her. Her eyes looked heavy with tears, her eyes were saddened by his cam but harsh words.

We make way back to the room I was staying at, he opened the door for me to go inside. On the bed sat a suitcase. It was medium in size, inside there were clothes.

"They are for you. In the bathroom are other things I think you would need. If your body is feeling up to it tomorrow training commences at 8, someone will bring you breakfast and your medication 7, if you will join just ask them for directions." 

His eyes were on my face but his eyes would never meet mines. 

"Ok," my voice was soft causing him to look into my eyes, I bit my bottom lip and see them look down at them quickly. 

I run my hand through my hair, I slowly make my way over to him. My heart rate stayed the same, I knew he was probably trying to hear if there was a difference in it, but there was none. I stand on the tip of my toes and get close to his left ear. I blow gentle air on his jaw before giving it a light peck. 

"Goodnight Storm." 

With that said I turn and make my way to the luggage on my bed. It wasn't going to unpack itself, I turn and see that his eyes were black. 

"Aren't you going to leave. I think you need to find that girlfriend of yours she might be mad."

His eyes held pure anger. He gives me one more once over before storming out of the room. 


aconitum is Wolfsbane. Everything else in that sentence is made up. 

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